A compilation of video scenarios of people interacting with each other in …
A compilation of video scenarios of people interacting with each other in Portuguese. Conversations include dialogs, questions, turn taking exchanges, clarifications, false starts, hugs, laughter, asides. The scenarios are enhanced by transcriptions, translations, content analysis, and notes and discussion blogs.
This webpage provides over 20 basic conversational phrases and terms, all of …
This webpage provides over 20 basic conversational phrases and terms, all of which are used in most everyday discussions across the Arabic-speaking world. The terms and phrases are presented in transliterated form with English translation; no Arabic script is used.
The introduction of Business Communication for Success, the textbook used throughout this …
The introduction of Business Communication for Success, the textbook used throughout this course, notes that Ň[E]ffective communication takes preparation, practice, and persistence. There are many ways to learn communication skills; the school of experience, or Ôhard knocks,Ő is one of them. But in the business environment, a ÔknockŐ (or lesson learned) may come at the expense of your credibility through a blown presentation to a client.Ó Effective communication skills are a prerequisite for succeeding in business. Communication tools and activities connect people within and beyond the organization in order to establish the businessŐs place in the corporate community and the social community, and as a result, that communication needs to be consistent, effective, and customized for the business to prosper. Business Communication for Success provides theories and practical information that represent the heart of this course, while additional resources are included to expand or pose alternatives to the approaches chosen in the textbook. You will receive maximum benefits from this course if you complete the readings first and then use the additional resources to fill in the blanks and/or reconsider the topics in the textbook.
This book was written to provide an introduction to cultural competence. The …
This book was written to provide an introduction to cultural competence. The book is broken into video chapters that focus on the five developmental orientations of cultural competence, based on the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). The videos utilize voices of how students define and create cultural competence in their communities. These videos are appropriate for high school and college campus initiatives and classes, organization, and community trainings.
VIDEO 1: What is Cultural Competence? VIDEO 2: Cultural Competence in Denial and Polarization VIDEO 3: Cultural Competence in Minimization VIDEO 4: Cultural Competence in Acceptance and Adaptation VIDEO 5: Becoming Culturally Competent
Culinary customer service and resiliency training prepares students to identify, address, and …
Culinary customer service and resiliency training prepares students to identify, address, and respond to demands of working in the culinary arts field including customer service and emergency situations.
The dark reactions of photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle) are presented in this learning …
The dark reactions of photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle) are presented in this learning experience to show where these processes take place in the plant as well as the specific reactions involved.
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies …
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies http://coerll.utexas.edu/dib/, the web-based first-year German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2008, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar http://coerll.utexas.edu/gg/. Deutsch im Blick is an open access site with free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees.
Deutsch im Blick has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251 & P116Y090057) as an example of the open access initiative.
Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 1 Ankunft In Würzburg Chapter 2 An Der Uni Chapter 3 Der Alltag Und Das Studentenleben Chapter 4 Freizeit Und Ausgehen Chapter 5 Familie, Feste Und Feiertage Chapter 6 Durch Deutschland Und Die Welt Reisen Chapter 7 Gesundheit Und Fitness Chapter 8 Das Traumleben: Beziehungen, Wohnen Und Die Karriere Chapter 9 Was Ist Deutsch? Chapter 10 Auf Nach Berlin!
Textbook and reviews also available here: https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/deutsch-im-blick
This is a review of Deutsch im Blick: https://louis.oercommons.org/courses/deutsch-im-blick completed by Caroline Huey, Associate …
This is a review of Deutsch im Blick: https://louis.oercommons.org/courses/deutsch-im-blick completed by Caroline Huey, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
These resources will allow you to investigate the key themes of Dickens's …
These resources will allow you to investigate the key themes of Dickens's novels alongside original source material from the British Library. Literary manuscripts, newspapers, letters, workhouse menus and many more fascinating collection items will help students open up the social, cultural and political context in which Dickens was writing. This website includes performances by Simon Callow and discussions by Professor of English, John Mullan, filmed at the Charles Dickens Museum, London.
The course treats: the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Fast Fourier Transform …
The course treats: the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), their application in OFDM and DSL; elements of estimation theory and their application in communications; linear prediction, parametric methods, the Yule-Walker equations, the Levinson algorithm, the Schur algorithm; detection and estimation filters; non-parametric estimation; selective filtering, application to beamforming.
Добра форма (Dobra forma; Good Form) is a web-based overview of Ukrainian …
Добра форма (Dobra forma; Good Form) is a web-based overview of Ukrainian grammar with contextualized activities that enable students to internalize correct grammatical forms as they focus on the communication of meaning.
Topics: Accusative Case (9) Adjectives (13) Dative Case (7) Genitive Case (14) Instrumental Case (10) Locative Case (7) Nominative Case (15) Nouns (40) Numerals (9) Prepositions (15) Pronouns (10) Verbs (15) Vocative Case (3)
The course focuses on three main dredging processes: the cutting of sand, …
The course focuses on three main dredging processes: the cutting of sand, clay and rock, the sedimentation process in hopper dredges and the breaching process
ENGL 1010: English Composition I. Introduces students to the critical thinking, reading, …
ENGL 1010: English Composition I. Introduces students to the critical thinking, reading, writing, and rhetorical skills required in the college/university and beyond, including citation and documentation, writing as a process, audience awareness; and writing effective essays. The course utilizes a scaffolding approach as well as cross-curricular resources and assignments to focus the course around a central theme: Socio-Political Themes in Pop Culture. All resources are OER, including the integration of textbooks: Waymaker: Introduction to College Composition by Lumen and Media, Society, Culture, and You by Mark Poepsel. As well, assorted media sources are utilized, including video (documentaries, interviews, lectures, films), photography, and social media apps.
EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3-3-0) Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 2120 or 2060. …
EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3-3-0) Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 2120 or 2060. The application of psychology to teaching and learning. Emphasis is on practical application in the school setting. Ten hours in field experience required. Designed primarily for education majors. Others admitted at the discretion of the instructor.
After this course the student can: Understand mechanical system requirements for Electric …
After this course the student can: Understand mechanical system requirements for Electric Drive Understand and apply passive network elements (R, L, C), laws of Kirchhof, Lorentz, Faraday Understand and apply: phasors for simple R,L,C circuits Understand and apply real and reactive power, rms, active and reactive current, cos phi Describe direct current (DC), (single phase) alternating current (AC) and (three phase) alternating current systems, star-delta connection Understand the principle of switch mode power electronic converters, pole as a two quadrant and four quadrant converter Understand principles of magnetic circuits, inductances and transformers
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Your redistributing comes with some restrictions. Do not remix or make derivative works.
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