This course introduces cryptography by addressing topics such as ciphers that were …
This course introduces cryptography by addressing topics such as ciphers that were used before World War II, block cipher algorithms, the advanced encryption standard for a symmetric-key encryption adopted by the U.S. government, MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions, and the message authentication code. The course will focus on public key cryptography (as exemplified by the RSA algorithm), elliptic curves, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. The course concludes with key exchange methods, study signature schemes, and discussion of public key infrastructure. Note: It is strongly recommended that you complete an abstract algebra course (such as the Saylor FoundationĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s MA231) before taking this course. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: explain how symmetric and asymmetric key ciphers work; list and define cryptographyĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s goals; list and define the most common classical ciphers; explain the workings of mechanical ciphers Enigma and Lorenz; describe the principles of substitution-permutation networks; describe the algorithms for data encryption and the advanced encryption standard; describe and use the MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions; explain the idea behind public key cryptography; use the RSA cryptography system by applying it to practical problems; test whether the large integer is prime with the mathematical tools presented in this course; define the elliptic curve and use it in cryptography; explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange; describe the most common signature and autokey identity schemes; describe the conceptual workings of public key infrastructure. This free course may be completed online at any time. (Computer Science 409)
Students examine the anthropological perspective of human culture, including such institutions as …
Students examine the anthropological perspective of human culture, including such institutions as kinship, politics, and religion, and evaluate the interrelationship between culture, environment and biology. Students explore the effects of globalization on culture while developing critical thinking skills through the application of essential anthropological approaches, theories, and methods.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This course focuses on chapter 2 of the dissertation and is designed …
This course focuses on chapter 2 of the dissertation and is designed for students nearing completion of their course work in the doctoral program. This course provides students an opportunity to explore recent research and prepares students to be informed consumers of that research and critical writers of comprehensive literature reviews.The major product of the course is a comprehensive, critical review of literature that will become the comprehensive literature review (Chapter 2) of the student’s dissertation proposal.The course modules include information, materials and assignments that will enable students to meet the course goals.
Beginning with the decline of the Roman Empire, this course discusses German, …
Beginning with the decline of the Roman Empire, this course discusses German, Muslim, Viking and Magyar invasions, the development of Catholicism in Western Europe and of Eastern Orthodoxy in the Byzantine Empire, the Arabic contribution to mathematics, science, and philsophy and the institutions of feudalism and manorialism. The course concludes with the economic, demographic and urban revival which began around 1000 AD.
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies …
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies, the web-based first-year German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2008, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar Deutsch im Blick is an open access site with free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees.
Deutsch im Blick has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251 & P116Y090057) as an example of the open access initiative.
Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 1 Ankunft In Würzburg Chapter 2 An Der Uni Chapter 3 Der Alltag Und Das Studentenleben Chapter 4 Freizeit Und Ausgehen Chapter 5 Familie, Feste Und Feiertage Chapter 6 Durch Deutschland Und Die Welt Reisen Chapter 7 Gesundheit Und Fitness Chapter 8 Das Traumleben: Beziehungen, Wohnen Und Die Karriere Chapter 9 Was Ist Deutsch? Chapter 10 Auf Nach Berlin!
Textbook and reviews also available here:
This is a review of Deutsch im Blick: completed by Caroline Huey, Associate …
This is a review of Deutsch im Blick: completed by Caroline Huey, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
ENGL 1010: English Composition I. Introduces students to the critical thinking, reading, …
ENGL 1010: English Composition I. Introduces students to the critical thinking, reading, writing, and rhetorical skills required in the college/university and beyond, including citation and documentation, writing as a process, audience awareness; and writing effective essays. The course utilizes a scaffolding approach as well as cross-curricular resources and assignments to focus the course around a central theme: Socio-Political Themes in Pop Culture. All resources are OER, including the integration of textbooks: Waymaker: Introduction to College Composition by Lumen and Media, Society, Culture, and You by Mark Poepsel. As well, assorted media sources are utilized, including video (documentaries, interviews, lectures, films), photography, and social media apps.
ENGL 1020: English Composition II: An Integrated Media Approach. Continuation and further …
ENGL 1020: English Composition II: An Integrated Media Approach. Continuation and further development of material and strategies introduced in English Composition I. Primary emphasis on composition, including research strategies, argumentative writing, evaluation, and analysis. The course utilizes a scaffolding approach as well as cross-curricular resources and assignments to focus the course around a central theme: Analysis of Film Genres. All resources are OER, including the integration of textbooks: Waymaker: Introduction to College Composition by Lumen and Exploring Movie Construction and Production by John Reich.
In this course, the student will study the history of Eastern (Orthodox) …
In this course, the student will study the history of Eastern (Orthodox) Christian art. The course begins with the emergence of Christianity and the formation of the Christian visual language that grew out of the Classical tradition. The course then follows the development of Christian art after the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Byzantine Empire. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: identify works of art from Early Christian and Byzantine culture, recalling such information as date of creation, artist (if known), patron (if known), medium, and culture (i.e. Early Christian, Early Byzantine, Middle Byzantine, Late Byzantine); recognize the features (stylistic and iconographic) typical of the arts of the early Christian and Byzantine world; explain and discuss the general arc of the history of Early Christian and Byzantine culture; describe the significance and function of works of art produced in Early Christian and Byzantine culture; discuss the sources of influence (from previous historical periods as well as from neighboring geographical regions) that affected Early Christian and Byzantine art; compare and contrast works of early Christian and Byzantine art to those of other cultures; explain the relationship between Christianity (and Early Christian art) and Byzantine culture, and discuss the symbiotic nature of this relationship; describe the methods and materials used to create works of Early Christian and Byzantine art; explain the ways in which Early Christian and Byzantine art reveals the social, religious, and political mores of the culture. (Art History 401)
This course will introduce the student to the history of the world's …
This course will introduce the student to the history of the world's major civilizations from medieval times to the early modern era. The student will learn about the pivotal political, economic, and social changes that took place in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe during this period. By the end of the course, the student will understand how many different civilizations evolved from isolated societies into expansive, interconnected empires capable of exerting global influence. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Think critically and analytically about world history in the medieval and early modern eras; Identify and describe the emergence, decline, and main features of the Byzantine Empire; Identify the origins and characteristics of the European medieval period and describe the rapidly changing forces at work in society, the economy, and religion during this time; Identify the origins of the Aztec and Inca civilizations and assess how these empires affected socio-economic development in the Americas; Identify the origins of the Tang and Song dynasties in China and assess the impact of these empires on Chinese government, society, religion, and economy during what scholars refer to as the 'golden age'; Identify the origins of the Mongol Empire, which dominated much of Asia in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Students will analyze the nature of this empire created by nomads; Identify the reasons for a changing balance in the world economy in the 1400s and analyze why Europe superseded Asia as the most dominant civilization on the globe; Assess how and why the European Age of Discovery had such a large impact on the New World, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia; Identify the origins and characteristics of the Renaissance and describe its impact on European civilization as a whole; Identify the origins of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe and assess how this movement altered the social, political, and religious fabric of Europe; Identify the origins of colonial Brazil and New Spain. Students will also be able to assess the impact of Spanish and Portuguese colonization on the New World, Africa, and Europe; Identify the origins of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires and assess the unique characteristics of these dynasties and their impact upon Asia and the world; Identify the origins of the Atlantic slave trade, assessing how this forced migration of peoples affected Africa, Africans, Europe, and the New World; Analyze and describe the Asian trading world, the Ming dynasty in China, the ĺÎĺĺĺŤwarring states,' and early modern eras in Japan; Analyze and interpret primary source documents from the medieval period to the early modern era using historical research methods. (History 221)
Educational psychologists work to understand how to structure educational systems in order …
Educational psychologists work to understand how to structure educational systems in order to meet the mental and emotional needs of students. They study how people learn, identify and suggest efficient teaching methods, and evaluate the effectiveness of various educational policies and practices. Educational psychologists often point out the inherently social nature of our current educational system, study the ways that learning environments affect education, and study the ways that societal, local, and family issues affect learning and classroom practice. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: explain why knowledge of psychology is important to effective teaching; discuss, compare, and contrast cognitive and behavioral psychology; discuss, compare, and contrast constructivist and behaviorist models of teaching and learning, as well as their applications in classroom management; identify important cognitive stages of development, the typical age range of each stage, and the ways that teachers can use that knowledge; identify important aspects of personal, emotional, and moral development, and ways that teachers can use that knowledge; identify diversity in terms of differences in learning styles, intelligence, cultures, and gender, as well as specific abilities and disabilities, that a modern classroom might need to accommodate; discuss theories of motivation and defend those you would use in your classroom; discuss classroom management strategies that smooth the learning process and prevent or deal with misbehavior, and defend those strategies you would use in your classroom; identify communication skills that enhance learning, management, and coordination with students' families; identify strategies for enhancing students' ability to use complex cognitive skills; identify the major parts of a lesson or unit plan; identify and discuss types of teacher-made assessments; discuss the uses of and issues surrounding standardized testing; identify and discuss factors that influence job satisfaction in a teaching career. (Psychology 303)
MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience …
MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience of key principles, methods and theories in the area of educational software. LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE: The module provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: 1) Obtain understand of major learning principles, theories, and approaches 2. Identify key factors of successful educational software design and deployment. 3) Apply theories, principles, and approached into an appropriate design of educational software system. 4) Establish an appreciation of state-of-art developments in the area of educational software design. MAIN TOPICS OF STUDY: The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning outcomes are: Educational Principles Design of educational software such as electronic instruction manuals, serious gaming, VR training, drills, and tutor agents and tutorials Educational software for specific learners such as children, elderly, mentally or physically challenged individuals CEvaluation of education software.
Elementary Ergonomics is an introduction to basic physical ergonomics theory and practice …
Elementary Ergonomics is an introduction to basic physical ergonomics theory and practice for students of other - than Industrial Design Engineering of Delft University of Technology - institutes for higher learning, such as Dutch universities, universities of EU and non-EU countries, and universities of applied sciences. The course consists of the following topics: anthropometry (1D, 2D, 3D including digital human modelling), biomechanics, and comfort.
Furthermore, the role of user involvement in the design process (evaluation of existing products and environments and of created concepts, models and prototypes) will be explained. Moreover, the meaning and representation of use cues in product design will be highlighted.
This course introduces the history of the Middle East and Southwest Asia …
This course introduces the history of the Middle East and Southwest Asia from the pre-Islamic period to the end of World War I. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: discuss the history of East Asia from the pre-Islamic period through the beginning of the 20th century; analyze the interactions between ancient civilizations of the Middle East and Southwest Asia in the pre-Islamic period; identify the origins of Islam, and assess the political and cultural impact of the Muslim faith on the peoples of the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin; identify the origins of the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires, and assess how these dynasties reshaped political and economic life throughout the Middle East and Southwest Asia; describe and assess the social and cultural impact of Islam on the peoples of the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin; identify external threats to the Muslim world during the Middle Ages, and analyze how Muslim leaders responded to these threats; identify the origins of the Ottoman Empire, and assess how the Ottomans established political and economic control over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East; analyze the political, economic, and military interactions between the Ottoman Empire and the nations of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries; explain how European imperialism destabilized the Middle East and Southwest Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries and allowed European nations to establish political control over many Middle Eastern nations; analyze the political impact of World War I on the peoples and nations of the Middle East; analyze and interpret primary source documents from the pre-Islamic period through the beginning of the 20th century using historical research methods. This free course may be completed online at any time. (History 231)
This course covers the major topics of mechanics, including momentum and energy …
This course covers the major topics of mechanics, including momentum and energy conservation, kinematics, NewtonŰŞs laws and equilibrium. The major emphasis is to develop critical analysis, problem solving and scientific reasoning skills by considering numerous different systems and interactions, solving problems and discussion. It uses a systematic approach based on modeling systems by application of basic physics principles, making assumptions, utilizing multiple representations (not just mathematical) in order to become proficient at problem solving. Lab work is required and is designed to help students develop a questioning approach to physical situations, distinguishing the significant behaviors from the less significant behaviors of a system under study.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented …
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented in literature with an emphasis on analytic reading, writing and discussion, and on development of argumentative essays based on textual analysis, with attention to style, audience and documentation. By writing several analytical, thesis-driven essays which show engagement with and understanding of a variety of texts, students will practice the critical thinking, reading and writing skills which comprise an important component of college and university studies as well as clear, audience-appropriate communications in other professional settings.This class is comprised of a series of three units, each of which is centered around an essay assignment. For each unit, in addition to the essay itself, youŰŞll be asked to respond to reading assignments and to complete exploratory writing assignments. YouŰŞll do a lot of reading and writing, and your instructor will ask you to respond to ideas from our texts, from specific assignments, and from each other. Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This is an expository writing course requiring more advanced writing skills than …
This is an expository writing course requiring more advanced writing skills than Basic English Composition 101, yet reviewing and incorporating some of the same skills. This course teaches you research skills by emphasizing the development of advanced analytical/critical reading skills, proficiency in investigative research, and the writing of expository and persuasive prose including properly documented and researched argumentative essays. A major component of this course will be an emphasis on the research process or ŰĎinformation literacyŰ: your ability to locate, evaluate and use information effectively. You also will recognize academic audiences, increase your clarity and objectivity, and adhere to standard formats.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This course is oriented toward US high school students in grade 10. …
This course is oriented toward US high school students in grade 10. Its structure and materials are aligned to the US Common Core Standards. You will be expected to build literary analysis from the texts as well as outside sources of knowledge. By the conclusion of this course, you will be prepared for the material in upper level high school English courses (and, subsequently, collegiate texts). You will be able to read and interpret more autonomously, and you will be able to handle more rigorous texts with fewer instructional supports
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