Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- …
Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- or two-semester introductory astronomy courses. The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, and rich illustrations. Mathematics is included in a flexible manner to meet the needs of individual instructors.
Astronomy for Educators provides new and accomplished K-12 instructors with concepts and …
Astronomy for Educators provides new and accomplished K-12 instructors with concepts and projects for low-cost, high-impact STEM classroom instruction that is built around the National Academies National Research Council's K-12 Framework for Science Education.
The spring 2017 syllabus for the General Astronomy Course (AST 110), developed …
The spring 2017 syllabus for the General Astronomy Course (AST 110), developed as part of the textbook free courseware initiative at Borough of Manhattan Community College.
This course provides an introduction to the universe beyond the Earth. We …
This course provides an introduction to the universe beyond the Earth. We begin with a study of the night sky and the history of the science of astronomy. We then explore the various objects seen in the cosmos including the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the evolution of the universe itself. As an online course, it is equivalent to 6 lecture hours, and satisfies science requirements for the AA and AS degree. It is designed to be thorough enough to prepare you for more advanced work, while presenting the concepts to non-majors in a way that is meaningful and not overwhelming. We will consider the course a success if you have learned how to think about the universe critically in an organized, logical way, and to have enhanced your appreciation of the sky around us.
A introductory look at our understanding of the universe, and how this …
A introductory look at our understanding of the universe, and how this understanding has changed from Ancient Greece to the contemporary views of today.
This course introduces students to the fundamental aspects of the history, philosophy, …
This course introduces students to the fundamental aspects of the history, philosophy, and science of the astronomical universe. It will provide students an opportunity to learn and appreciate the world of Astronomy and how it relates to their other studies, their careers and their lives as citizens and professionals. Students will discover the phenomena of our solar system and beyond - planets and moons, asteroids and meteors, stars and black holes, constellations and galaxies and several other phenomena
" This class explores the creation (and creativity) of the modern scientific …
" This class explores the creation (and creativity) of the modern scientific and cultural world through study of western Europe in the 17th century, the age of Descartes and Newton, Shakespeare, Milton and Ford. It compares period thinking to present-day debates about the scientific method, art, religion, and society. This team-taught, interdisciplinary subject draws on a wide range of literary, dramatic, historical, and scientific texts and images, and involves theatrical experimentation as well as reading, writing, researching and conversing. The primary theme of the class is to explore how England in the mid-seventeenth century became "a world turned upside down" by the new ideas and upheavals in religion, politics, and philosophy, ideas that would shape our modern world. Paying special attention to the "theatricality" of the new models and perspectives afforded by scientific experimentation, the class will read plays by Shakespeare, Tate, Brecht, Ford, Churchill, and Kushner, as well as primary and secondary texts from a wide range of disciplines. Students will also compose and perform in scenes based on that material."
This book is a journey through the world of physics and cosmology, …
This book is a journey through the world of physics and cosmology, and an exploration of our role in this universe. We will address questions such as: What if the force of gravity were a little stronger? What if there were more of fewer atoms in our universe? What if Newton and not Einstein had been right? Would we still be here? Can the universe exist without us to observe it? Can chance explain the world around us, as well as us?
The purpose of this book is to phrase these questions and pursue the consequences of potential answers through rigorous scientific reasoning; in the process we will learn how the very small and the very large are interconnected, and even how we can affect events that happened six billion years ago.
Licensed CC-BY-4.0 with attribution instructions on page 2 of the document.
Table of Contents
Introduction 7 The fundamental forces 10 The force of gravity 18 What if … the force of gravity were different? 23 The electric and magnetic forces 26 The electric force 27 What if … the electric force were different? 39 The magnetic force 48 What if … the magnetic force were different? 58 The strong and weak forces 59 What if … ? 65 How do forces work? 74 The history of the universe 85 What if … ? 94 The history of our species 106 Odds 124 The building blocks of the universe 128 What if … ? 140 Dark energy 150 What if … dark matter were more interesting? 159 When you do not look…. 162 Manifestations of the wave nature of matter 169 The delayed choice experiment: Affecting the past 186 What if … ? 191 The story so far 195 Unification and our role 199 Fine-tuning? 214 The Multiverse and aliens 226 The laws of physics 234 The Anthropic Principle and Puddle Theory 237 Post mortem 249 Further reading and chapter notes 251
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and …
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW is a publication of MIT course materials both from the undergraduate and graduate levels. It does not require any registration, is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity, and does not provide access to MIT faculty. The course sites often contain lecture notes, problem sets, readings, assignments, exams, study materials, and other resources. Open courseware is available on a variety of subjects, including Earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences, and can be used for self-study or curriculum development.
Discussion of the redesign of AST 1002 Descriptive Astronomy using a mashup …
Discussion of the redesign of AST 1002 Descriptive Astronomy using a mashup of OER resources. Many of these tools could be replicated in other disciplines.
Textbook for ASTRON 102 THE SOLAR SYSTEM at College of the Canyons …
Textbook for ASTRON 102 THE SOLAR SYSTEM at College of the Canyons Surveys the solar system, including the earth and its motions and seasons; the moon, eclipses, and tides; the content and dynamics of the solar system; planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteorites; and the evolution of the solar system.
Walking up and down the hallways of Davey Lab at Penn State, …
Walking up and down the hallways of Davey Lab at Penn State, you can find astronomers searching for and characterizing exoplanets, monitoring supernovae and other exploding stars, and measuring the details of the accelerating expansion of the Universe to determine the nature of dark energy. In Astro 801, we learn that with only the ability to measure the light from these distant, unreachable objects, we can still determine how the Solar System, stars, galaxies, and the Universe formed and evolved since the Big Bang. We are all citizens of the Universe, and in fact, you are made of starstuff. Come learn where the atoms in your body came from, and what will happen to them long after we are gone.
"2010 marks the 400th anniversary of Galileo's astonishing sightings of features on …
"2010 marks the 400th anniversary of Galileo's astonishing sightings of features on the moon, stars, and moons around Jupiter that no one had seen before. Recreate these new ways of seeing and exploring from the materials and techniques Galileo had on hand, while you reflect on the times and works of Galileo. What was it like to improvise new ways of seeing and exploring from the materials and techniques on hand? What do we notice? What surprises us? How can we relate to past experience and ideas? What are we curious to research? How does our experimenting grow into our learning? Let your own curiosity drive your explorations."
This is an introduction to the study of the solar system with …
This is an introduction to the study of the solar system with emphasis on the latest spacecraft results. The subject covers basic principles rather than detailed mathematical and physical models. Topics include: an overview of the solar system, planetary orbits, rings, planetary formation, meteorites, asteroids, comets, planetary surfaces and cratering, planetary interiors, planetary atmospheres, and life in the solar system.
The emergence of Western science: the systematization of natural knowledge in the …
The emergence of Western science: the systematization of natural knowledge in the ancient world, the transmission of the classical legacy to the Latin West, and the revolt from classical thought during the scientific revolution. Examines scientific concepts in light of their cultural and historical contexts.
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