This work was created as part of the University Libraries’ Open Educational …
This work was created as part of the University Libraries’ Open Educational Resources Initiative at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.
A web version of this text can be found at
This book is an anthology of American Literatures After 1865, a new revision of the open educational resource entitled Writing the Nation: A Concise Introduction to American Literature 1865 to Present. It contains works that have been newly introduced to the public domain and provides direct links to reading materials that can be borrowed for free from
This work was created as part of the University Libraries’ Open Educational …
This work was created as part of the University Libraries’ Open Educational Resources Initiative at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.
A web version of this text can be found at
This anthology of American Literatures Prior to 1865, is organized chronologically into four units, focusing on Colonial Literature, Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery, Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform, and Literature of the New Nation. It includes introductions to the many authors included to enhance the reader's contextual understanding of the chosen texts. This anthology is essential reading for any student or scholar of Early American literature.
The American Yawp constructs a coherent and accessible narrative from all the …
The American Yawp constructs a coherent and accessible narrative from all the best of recent historical scholarship. Without losing sight of politics and power, it incorporates transnational perspectives, integrates diverse voices, recovers narratives of resistance, and explores the complex process of cultural creation. It looks for America in crowded slave cabins, bustling markets, congested tenements, and marbled halls. It navigates between maternity wards, prisons, streets, bars, and boardrooms. Whitman’s America, like ours, cut across the narrow boundaries that strangle many narratives. Balancing academic rigor with popular readability, The American Yawp offers a multi-layered, democratic alternative to the American past.
In an increasingly digital world in which pedagogical trends are de-emphasizing rote …
In an increasingly digital world in which pedagogical trends are de-emphasizing rote learning and professors are increasingly turning toward active-learning exercises, scholars are fleeing traditional textbooks. Yet for those that still yearn for the safe tether of a synthetic text, as either narrative backbone or occasional reference material, The American Yawp offers a free and online, collaboratively built, open American history textbook designed for college-level history courses. Unchecked by profit motives or business models, and free from for-profit educational organizations, The American Yawp is by scholars, for scholars. All contributors—experienced college-level instructors—volunteer their expertise to help democratize the American past for twenty-first century classrooms.
As currently taught in the United States, introductory courses in analytical chemistryemphasize …
As currently taught in the United States, introductory courses in analytical chemistryemphasize quantitative (and sometimes qualitative) methods of analysis along with a heavydose of equilibrium chemistry. Analytical chemistry, however, is much more than a collection ofanalytical methods and an understanding of equilibrium chemistry; it is an approach to solvingchemical problems. Although equilibrium chemistry and analytical methods are important, theircoverage should not come at the expense of other equally important topics.
The introductory course in analytical chemistry is the ideal place in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum forexploring topics such as experimental design, sampling, calibration strategies, standardization,optimization, statistics, and the validation of experimental results. Analytical methods comeand go, but best practices for designing and validating analytical methods are universal. Becausechemistry is an experimental science it is essential that all chemistry students understand theimportance of making good measurements.
My goal in preparing this textbook is to find a more appropriate balance between theoryand practice, between “classical” and “modern” analytical methods, between analyzing samplesand collecting samples and preparing them for analysis, and between analytical methods anddata analysis. There is more material here than anyone can cover in one semester; it is myhope that the diversity of topics will meet the needs of different instructors, while, perhaps,suggesting some new topics to cover.
This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human …
This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human language, from a linguistic perspective. It covers a fairly broad range of topics, including lexical semantics, compositional semantics, and pragmatics. The chapters are organized into six units: (1) Foundational concepts; (2) Word meanings; (3) Implicature (including indirect speech acts); (4) Compositional semantics; (5) Modals, conditionals, and causation; (6) Tense & aspect.
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy …
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors. The book is organized by body system and covers standard scope and sequence requirements. Its lucid text, strategically constructed art, career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. The web-based version of Anatomy and Physiology also features links to surgical videos, histology, and interactive diagrams.
Anatomy and Physiology 2 Laboratory Manual is a guide for anatomy and …
Anatomy and Physiology 2 Laboratory Manual is a guide for anatomy and physiology laboratory exercises. It includes dissection guidance with detailed images; instructions for physiology experiments including foundational content; and gross anatomy study guides for six body systems. Videos and tutorial links provide additional support. including studies in the following areas:
Lab manual for two semester anatomy and physiology laboratory course. The chapters …
Lab manual for two semester anatomy and physiology laboratory course. The chapters parallel the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook. Chapter features include an initial Motivation section with information related to nursing and allied health careers as well as health disparities. Background information, pre-laboratory questions, lab exercises and post-laboratory questions are found in each chapter. The platform is Pressbooks on VIVA Virginia's Academic Library Consortium, authored by Norfolk State University Faculty
Veterinary nurses need to have a firm grasp of the normal structure …
Veterinary nurses need to have a firm grasp of the normal structure of an animal’s body and how it functions before they can understand the effect diseases and injuries have and the best ways to treat them. This book describes the structure of the animal body and the way in which it works. Animals encountered in normal veterinary practice are used as examples where possible.
In this elementary textbook, Philip S. Peek draws on his twenty-five years …
In this elementary textbook, Philip S. Peek draws on his twenty-five years of teaching experience to present the ancient Greek language in an imaginative and accessible way that promotes creativity, deep learning, and diversity. The course is built on three pillars: memory, analysis, and logic. Readers memorize the top 250 most frequently occurring ancient Greek words, the essential word endings, the eight parts of speech, and the grammatical concepts they will most frequently encounter when reading authentic ancient texts. Analysis and logic exercises enable the translation and parsing of genuine ancient Greek sentences, with compelling reading selections in English and in Greek offering starting points for contemplation, debate, and reflection. A series of embedded Learning Tips help teachers and students to think in practical and imaginative ways about how they learn. This combination of memory-based learning and concept- and skill-based learning gradually builds the confidence of the reader, teaching them how to learn by guiding them from a familiarity with the basics to proficiency in reading this beautiful language. Ancient Greek I: A 21st-Century Approach is written for high-school and university students, but is an instructive and rewarding text for anyone who wishes to learn ancient Greek.
This textbook is divided into three sections: Africa, Asia & Americas, and …
This textbook is divided into three sections: Africa, Asia & Americas, and Europe. It explores the history of the world from pre-historic times to 1300 C.E., paying specific attention to the interconnections (or disconnections) between peoples and regions. Students are encouraged to think beyond their experiences with western civilizations to recognize the widespread impact of historical events and trends, including how they helped shape the world today. Touching upon each world region, the readings investigate the impact of environment, economics, politics, and religion on diverse societies. Key topics are sites of change and integration such as the rise of cities, religion, technology, migration and trade, the spread of disease, gender relationships, warfare and social movements.
This book provides an overview of the current debates about the nature …
This book provides an overview of the current debates about the nature and extent of our moral obligations to animals. Which, if any, uses of animals are morally wrong, which are morally permissible (i.e., not wrong) and why? What, if any, moral obligations do we, individually and as a society (and a global community), have towards animals and why? How should animals be treated? Why?
We will explore the most influential and most developed answers to these questions – given by philosophers, scientists, and animal advocates and their critics – to try to determine which positions are supported by the best moral reasons.
This is a free textbook teaching introductory statistics for undergraduates in Psychology. …
This is a free textbook teaching introductory statistics for undergraduates in Psychology. This textbook is part of a larger OER course package for teaching undergraduate statistics in Psychology, including this textbook, a lab manual, and a course website. All of the materials are free and copiable, with source code maintained in Github repositories.
In Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies, Asao B. Inoue theorizes classroom writing assessment …
In Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies, Asao B. Inoue theorizes classroom writing assessment as a complex system that is "more than" its interconnected elements. To explain how and why antiracist work in the writing classroom is vital to literacy learning, Inoue incorporates ideas about the white racial habitus that informs dominant discourses in the academy and other contexts. Inoue helps teachers understand the unintended racism that often occurs when teachers do not have explicit antiracist agendas in their assessments. Drawing on his own teaching and classroom inquiry, Inoue offers a heuristic for developing and critiquing writing assessment ecologies that explores seven elements of any writing assessment ecology: power, parts, purposes, people, processes, products, and places.
Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en …
Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes.
A critical anthology of literary texts from the Spanish-speaking world. A focus on canonical authors and an attempt to include voices that have been marginalized. Each text includes an introduction and annotations created by students.
El presente manuscrito es resultado de investigaciones multidisciplinarias bajo diferentes perspectivas científicas-académicas, …
El presente manuscrito es resultado de investigaciones multidisciplinarias bajo diferentes perspectivas científicas-académicas, mediante la confrontación de criterios de diferentes autores bajo un enfoque descriptivo que señala la importancia de ética en varios escenarios actuales como son en la discriminación de la mujer en ambiente laboral, el manejo de los individuos dentro de las organizaciones, dentro de la agricultura al momento de producir y cultivar, como la ética afecta al clima organizacional y lagestión docente dentro del caso de estudio de una universidad, la ética y la responsabilidad social empresarial como reto de las empresas, la discriminación laboral como comportamiento poco ético en el área de recursos humanos, y por ultimo una contrastación de la ética en la publicidad de las empresas. Estos estudios se realizan desde una mirada científica y se la acerca a la realidad ecuatoriana.
El actual crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, debido al incremento de las …
El actual crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, debido al incremento de las comunicaciones de voz, vídeo y consumo de datos está causando una creciente demanda de la cantidad de canales y el ancho de banda, esto, está impulsando a los sistemas transceptores de comunicación hacia frecuencias de microondas y de ondas milimétricas para satisfacer la demanda mundial de mayores velocidades de transmisión de banda ancha, los sistemas de comunicación de comunicación inalámbrica requiere también de n desarrollo a la par de esta demanda. La Teoría electromagnética proporciona la base para todos los circuitos de microondas que hizo posible los grandes avances logrados por el campo de microondas. Es importante entender que la teoría de campo de microondas es sólo una parte de la teoría del campo electromagnético en general.
This book was developed at Simon Fraser University for an upper-level physics …
This book was developed at Simon Fraser University for an upper-level physics course. Along with a careful exposition of electricity and magnetism, it devotes a chapter to ferromagnets. According to the course description, the topics covered were “electromagnetics, magnetostatics, waves, transmission lines, wave guides,antennas, and radiating systems.”
Applied Combinatorics is an open-source textbook for a course covering the fundamental …
Applied Combinatorics is an open-source textbook for a course covering the fundamental enumeration techniques (permutations, combinations, subsets, pigeon hole principle), recursion and mathematical induction, more advanced enumeration techniques (inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, Polyá theory), discrete structures (graphs, digraphs, posets, interval orders), and discrete optimization (minimum weight spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows). There are also chapters introducing discrete probability, Ramsey theory, combinatorial applications of network flows, and a few other nuggets of discrete mathematics. Applied Combinatorics began its life as a set of course notes we developed when Mitch was a TA for a larger than usual section of Tom’s MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics course at Georgia Tech in Spring Semester 2006. Since then, the material has been greatly expanded and exercises have been added. The text has been in use for most MATH 3012 sections at Georgia Tech for several years now. Since the text has been available online for free, it has also been adopted at a number of other institutions for a wide variety of courses. In August 2016, we made the first release of Applied Combinatorics in HTML format, thanks to a conversion of the book’s source from LaTeX to MathBook XML. An inexpensive print-on-demand version is also available for purchase. Find out all about ways to get the book.
Since Fall 2016, Applied Combinatorics has been on the list of approved open textbooks from the American Institute of Mathematics.
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