The lectures introduce a number of topics that are important for IWRM …
The lectures introduce a number of topics that are important for IWRM and the modeling exercise. The lectures introduce water management issues in the Netherlands, Rhine Basin, and Volta Basin. The role-play is meant to experience some of the social processes that, together with technical knowledge, determine water management.
The course Intelligent User eXperience Engineering (IUXE) is given for the master …
The course Intelligent User eXperience Engineering (IUXE) is given for the master programme 'Media and Knowledge Engineering' and for students from other master programmes. The aim is to achieve an understanding and practical experience of key principles, methods and theories in the area of intelligent user experience engineering. Study Goals: Knowledge of a basic, coherent approach for developing software systems in such a way that the systems' users can accomplish their goals effectively and efficiently, and with a high level of satisfaction. Knowledge of new theories and methods for improving the user experiences in the development of intelligent systems, and of research approaches to enhance the theoretical and empirical foundation of IUXE methods. Practical experience in an iterative human-centered development process, i.e. the application of theories and methods for the generation and testing of intelligent user interfaces. This process comprises the generation of a design with its rational, and user experience testing with video analysis, logging and data analyses tools.
Accessible presentation files created for the Principles of Macroeconomics - Intellus Open …
Accessible presentation files created for the Principles of Macroeconomics - Intellus Open Course. Intellus Open Courses are curated by academic subject-matter experts in partnership with Macmillan Learning’s editorial teams. Licensed under CC-BY:
Students will learn to solve compound inequalities, absolute value inequalities, and systems …
Students will learn to solve compound inequalities, absolute value inequalities, and systems of equations, simplify radical expressions, solve quadratic equations and applications and simplify compound fractions, solve rational equations and applications, use function notation to solve problems and use exponential and logarithmic functions.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
In this course, the student will learn fundamental principles of international law …
In this course, the student will learn fundamental principles of international law and examine the historical development of these laws. The first half will define international law, identify its foundations, and review its historical development. The student will examine one of the most central debates of international law: how these laws are enforced -- or, in many cases, not enforced. The inherent conflicts of international law with national sovereignty, domestic politics, and balance of power will also be reviewed. This course will explore specific topics within international law, such as the laws of war, the laws of the sea, international human rights, international crimes, environmental law, protection of intellectual property, and international trade. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: explain how international law has developed over time; discuss the difficulties in enforcement of international law; identify issues that international law seeks to resolve; demonstrate an understanding of how power and politics influence the formation, application, and enforcement of international law; assess the effectiveness of international law in resolving transnational disputes. (Political Science 412)
This course will introduce the student to the field of international political …
This course will introduce the student to the field of international political economy, teaching students the ways in which economics and politics influence each other when it comes to creating policy. Economic policy can be an important instrument of statecraft and diplomacy between countries, yet countries can also use economic policy to punish or express disapproval towards other countries using sanctions. In this course, the student will learn about the international organizations and regimes that are designed to facilitate international economic transactions and ensure economic stability, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The student will also review the impact that globalization has on the world economy and the gap between rich and poor countries. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: identify, explain, and compare major theories in the field of international political economy; analyze the effects of trade policies on domestic and international actors; evaluate the costs and benefits of Foreign Direct Investment and Sovereign Debt; explain the development of the international currency system and analyze the effects of domestic policies; compare and contrast approaches to human rights and access to basic human needs. (Political Science 411)
This course is designed to acquaint beginning students with some of the …
This course is designed to acquaint beginning students with some of the fundamental principles of international relations such as realism and idealism. Realism, for example is based on the assumption that the state constitutes the most important actor in the international system. The course will also explore the nature of idealism, which emphasizes the role of international norms and ethics, such as the preservation of human rights, as a means of realizing international justice. The course will also analyze international political economy and various theories ranging from mercantilism to dependency theory.
Deze introductiemodule biedt een weergave van de introductieweek van Technische Bestuurskunde. In …
Deze introductiemodule biedt een weergave van de introductieweek van Technische Bestuurskunde. In deze week worden colleges over vier verschillende vakgebieden gegeven. Die colleges kun je in deze introductiemodule terugvinden, met daarbij steeds een casus (praktijkvoorbeeld), waaraan je tijdens de introductiemodule werkt. Soms vind je hier uitwerkingen, soms niet. Bijvoorbeeld omdat de casus geen eenduidige uitwerking kent. Door de opnamen van de colleges te bekijken en de cases uit te werken, kun je je een beeld vormen van de opleiding.
Deze cursus geeft een introductie op de massa- en energienetwerken die de …
Deze cursus geeft een introductie op de massa- en energienetwerken die de ruggengraat vormen van de economie. De belangrijkste energie- en industriesystemen worden vanuit verschillende perspectieven besproken.
- Kaartkennis van energie- & industriesystemen, met name in Nederland - Voorraden en stromen, elektriciteitsinfrastructuur, elektriciteitstransport, aardgasinfrastructuur, drink- en afvalwater, industrie, warmte- en CO2-netwerken, toekomstige energie- & industriesystemen - Vraag- en aanbodfluctuaties, balanshandhaving
From consumer products to space-age technologies, chemistry affects our daily lives. In …
From consumer products to space-age technologies, chemistry affects our daily lives. In this course, students will learn the structure of matter and how it behaves under various conditions in order to better understand the chemical world. Designed for students with little or no chemistry background. Laboratory activities extend lecture concepts and introduce students to the experimental process. This course is designed for a face-to-face mode of instruction using online resources. Course content is divided into units. Each unit may include text readings, laboratory preparation, study questions, thought-provoking discussions, written assignments, learning activities, and group projects.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Comparative politics is the systematic study and comparison of the world's political …
Comparative politics is the systematic study and comparison of the world's political systems. The course begins by discussing the factors and categories of analysis that political scientists and important international institutions like the World Bank, NATO, and the United Nations use regularly; it ends by comparing and contrasting governments from five different regions of the world: the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Define the chief characteristics of a nation state; Identify and explain various comparative methodologies used to compare various political systems; Distinguish between unitary, federal, and confederal governmental models; Compare and contrast political cultures in selected countries; Compare and contrast political socialization in selected countries; Describe and explain patterns of representation and participation in selected countries; Compare and contrast the roles and functions of political parties in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of interest groups in selected countries; Identify and explain governance and policy-making in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the executive in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the judicial branch in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the bureaucracy and the policy process in selected countries; Describe and explain the political economy and development in selected countries; Identify and explain political challenges and changing agendas in selected countries. (Political Science 221)
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power …
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion. Electric power has become increasingly important as a way of transmitting and transforming energy in industrial, military and transportation uses. Electric power systems are also at the heart of alternative energy systems, including wind and solar electric, geothermal and small scale hydroelectric generation.
This class explores ways that writers portray human experience in their short …
This class explores ways that writers portray human experience in their short stories, poems and plays. Through class discussions, lectures and creative responses, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of literary works.Ű In this course, students develop and express their own analytic responses to a variety of works of literature, paying special attention to the ways that literary works are crafted and also to the ways that readersŰŞ understanding of literature is subject to your personal perspectives and various theoretical frameworks.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Introductory Virology for 2nd and 3rd year courses The material consists of …
Introductory Virology for 2nd and 3rd year courses The material consists of a series of linked pages exploring an introduction to the concept of viruses, and an exploration of their general properties.
This site provides the basis of material for 7-lecture course in introductory microbiology (MCB2016F) and a 20-lecture course (MCB3024S, Defence and Disease) given to third-year students.
Planet Earth’s ocean covers over seventy percent of its surface, yet oceanographic …
Planet Earth’s ocean covers over seventy percent of its surface, yet oceanographic research has only recently come to its full potential with the advent of new technologies. This course in Introductory Oceanography emphasizes the need to understand geologic, chemical, physical, and biologic processes or features that occur in ocean environments. It is designed to be thorough enough to prepare you for more advance work, while presenting the concepts to non-majors in a way that is meaningful and not overwhelming.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This is an introductory course to Philosophy, which is the study of …
This is an introductory course to Philosophy, which is the study of general and fundamental problems such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Students will be introduced to the primary branches of Philosophy - ethics, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology. The course considers philosophers and works of Western Philosophy, including Plato, Hebrew scripture, Schopenhauer, Swedenborg, Buber, Kant, Hume, Locke and Berkeley.
Geology is a core science, along with physics, chemistry, and biology. It …
Geology is a core science, along with physics, chemistry, and biology. It uses rigorous methods of inquiry that illuminate the history of the earth and its present-day geological activity. Geology allows us to discover how earthŰŞs history and activity determine the state of the planet and its life forms. The study of geology also shows us how human behavior affects the earth. Topics we will cover include plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, minerals, geologic time, glaciers, rivers, geologic structures, layers of the earth, and reading maps. This course includes laboratory work and lab credit.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Focuses on the lives and contributions of queer people in cultural, historical, …
Focuses on the lives and contributions of queer people in cultural, historical, and social context, including identities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, asexual, pansexual and gender non-binary. Uses an interdisciplinary approach to explore the complex social constructions of sex, sexuality, race, class, gender identity and gender expression. Explores the institutional and cultural factors that create and maintain systems of oppression. This course is taught from an intersectional feminist perspective. This means that we’ll explore all the different identities that queer people can take; addressing racism, ageism, ableism, heterosexism, cissexism and many other forms of power inequality and oppression. Provides a framework to connect personal experience with contemporary social and political issues.
Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final …
Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final focussed image for geological and/or physical interpretation.This course deals with the most important aspects of reflection seismics. Theory of seismic waves, aspects of data acquisition (seismic sources, receivers and recorders), and of data processing (CMP processing, velocity analysis, stacking, migration) will be dealt with. The course will be supplemented by a practical of 6 afternoons where the students will see the most important data-processing steps via exercises (in Matlab).
The main goal of the course is to highlight the general assumptions …
The main goal of the course is to highlight the general assumptions and methods that underlie all statistical analysis. The purpose is to get a good understanding of the scope, and the limitations of these methods. We also want to learn as much as possible about the assumptions behind the most common methods, in order to evaluate if they apply with reasonable accuracy to a given situation. Our goal is not so much learning bread and butter techniques: these are pre-programmed in widely available and used software, so much so that a mechanical acquisition of these techniques could be quickly done "on the job". What is more challenging is the evaluation of what the results of a statistical procedure really mean, how reliable they are in given circumstances, and what their limitations are.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
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