This textbook provides a toolbox, a guidebook, and an instruction manual for …
This textbook provides a toolbox, a guidebook, and an instruction manual for researchers and interventionists who want to conceptualize and study applied problems from a developmental systems perspective, and for those who want to teach their graduate (or advanced undergraduate) students how to do this. It is designed to be useful to practitioners who focus on applied developmental problems, such as improving the important developmental contexts where people live, learn, and work, including the applied professions in education, social work, counseling, health care, community development, and business, all of which at their core are concerned with optimizing the development of their students, clients, patients, workers, citizens, and others whose lives they touch.
The wide range of examples in the text are meant to augment …
The wide range of examples in the text are meant to augment the "favorite examples" that most instructors have for teaching the topcs in discrete mathematics.
To provide diagnostic help and encouragement, we have included solutions and/or hints to the odd-numbered exercises. These solutions include detailed answers whenever warranted and complete proofs, not just terse outlines of proofs.
Our use of standard terminology and notation makes Applied Discrete Structures a valuable reference book for future courses. Although many advanced books have a short review of elementary topics, they cannot be complete.
The text is divided into lecture-length sections, facilitating the organization of an instructor's presentation.Topics are presented in such a way that students' understanding can be monitored through thought-provoking exercises. The exercises require an understanding of the topics and how they are interrelated, not just a familiarity with the key words.
An Instructor's Guide is available to any instructor who uses the text.
This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and …
This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and laboratory procedure of ten experiments. The manual also includes educational videos showing how student should run each experiment and a workbook for organizing data collected in the lab and preparing result tables and charts.
Este libro está dirigido, principalmente, a Estudiantes y Docentes que quieren aprender …
Este libro está dirigido, principalmente, a Estudiantes y Docentes que quieren aprender a programar como forma de fortalecer sus capacidades cognoscitivas y así obtener un beneficio adicional de su computador para lograr un mejor provecho de sus estudios. Dada la orientación del libro respecto a programar para resolver problemas asociados a las Ciencias e Ingenierías, el requisito mínimo de matemáticas que hemos elegido para presentar el contenido del mismo se cubre, normalmente, en el tercer año del bachillerato. No obstante, el requisito no es obligatorio para leer el libro en su totalidad y adquirir los conocimientos de programación obviando el contenido matemático.
Marx, en 1884, define el término trabajo cooperativo como “múltiples individuos trabajando …
Marx, en 1884, define el término trabajo cooperativo como “múltiples individuos trabajando juntos de una manera planificada en un mismo proceso de producción o en procesos de producción diferentes pero conectados” [MAR84]. Por otro lado, se afirma que un trabajo cooperativo “está formado por procesos de trabajo relacionados. Cada proceso genera ciertas tareas a ser desarrolladas por los miembros del equipo de trabajo para el cumplimiento de los objetivos” [COR04]. Bannon y Schmidt establecen que hay muchas formas de trabajo cooperativo, por ejemplo: trabajo colaborativo, trabajo colectivo, trabajo coordinado, y trabajo de articulación [BAN89a].
There is a quote that has been passed down many years and …
There is a quote that has been passed down many years and is most recently accounted to P.T. Barnum, “There is a sucker born every minute.” Are you that sucker? If you were, would you like to be “reborn?” The goal of this book is to help you through that “birthing” process. Critical thinking and standing up for your ideas and making decisions are important in both your personal and professional life. How good are we at making the decision to marry? According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is one divorce in America every 36 seconds. That is nearly 2,400 every day. And professionally, the Wall Street Journal predicts the average person will have 7 careers in their lifetime. Critical thinking skills are crucial.
Arguments in Context is a comprehensive introduction to critical thinking that covers …
Arguments in Context is a comprehensive introduction to critical thinking that covers all the basics in student-friendly language. Intended for use in a semester-long course, the text features classroom-tested examples and exercises that have been chosen to emphasize the relevance and applicability of the subject to everyday life. Three themes are developed as the text proceeds from argument identification and analysis, to the standards and techniques of evaluation: (i) the importance of asking the right questions, (ii) the influence of biases, cognitive illusions, and other psychological factors, and (iii) the ways that social situations and structures can enhance and impoverish our thinking. On this last point, the text includes sustained discussion of disagreement, cooperative dialogue, testimony, trust, and social media. Overall, the text aims to equip readers with a set of tools for working through important decisions and disagreements, and to help them become more careful and active thinkers.
Courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Librarianship in ALA-accredited Masters of Library …
Courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Librarianship in ALA-accredited Masters of Library and Information (MLIS) degrees are rare. We have all been surprised by ChatGPT and similar Large Language Models. Generative AI is an important new area for librarianship. It is also developing so rapidly that no one can really keep up. Those trying to produce AI courses for the MLIS degree need all the help they can get. This book is a gesture of support. It consists of about 95,000 words on the topic, with a 3-400 item bibliography.
Anthropology is the study of all humans in all times in all …
Anthropology is the study of all humans in all times in all places. But it is so much more than that. “Anthropology requires strength, valor, and courage,” Nancy Scheper-Hughes noted. “Pierre Bourdieu called anthropology a combat sport, an extreme sport as well as a tough and rigorous discipline. … It teaches students not to be afraid of getting one’s hands dirty, to get down in the dirt, and to commit yourself, body and mind. Susan Sontag called anthropology a “heroic” profession.” What is the payoff for this heroic journey? You will find ideas that can carry you across rivers of doubt and over mountains of fear to find the the light and life of places forgotten. Real anthropology cannot be contained in a book. You have to go out and feel the world’s jagged edges, wipe its dust from your brow, and at times, leave your blood in its soil. In this unique book, Dr. Michael Wesch shares many of his own adventures of being an anthropologist and what the science of human beings can tell us about the art of being human. This special first draft edition is a loose framework for more and more complete future chapters and writings. It serves as a companion to, a free and open resource for instructors of cultural anthropology.
The inspiration for this text grew out of a simple question that …
The inspiration for this text grew out of a simple question that emerged over a number of years of teaching math to Middle School, High School and College students.
Practically speaking, what is the origin of a particular polynomial?
So much time is spent analyzing, factoring, simplifying and graphing polynomials that it is easy to lose sight of the fact that polynomials have a wealth of practical uses. Exploring the techniques of interpolating data allows us to view the development and birth of a polynomial. This text is focused on laying a foundation for understanding and applying several common forms of polynomial interpolation. The principal goals of the text are:
1). Breakdown the process of developing polynomials to demonstrate and give the student a feel for the process and meaning of developing estimates of the trend (s) a collection of data may represent.
2).Introduce basic matrix algebra to assist students with understanding the process without getting bogged down in purely manual calculations. Some manual calculations have been included, however, to assist with understanding the concept.
3).Assist students in building a basic foundation allowing them to add additional techniques, of which there are many, not covered in this text.
Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- …
Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- or two-semester introductory astronomy courses. The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, and rich illustrations. Mathematics is included in a flexible manner to meet the needs of individual instructors.
Astronomy for Educators provides new and accomplished K-12 instructors with concepts and …
Astronomy for Educators provides new and accomplished K-12 instructors with concepts and projects for low-cost, high-impact STEM classroom instruction that is built around the National Academies National Research Council's K-12 Framework for Science Education.
The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in …
The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in online course design to provide recipes - concise and specific instructions and examples - for adding asynchronous activities to a course. Meaningful interaction between students and instructors is a key ingredient in all of these recipes.
The U.S. political system suffers from endemic design flaws and is notable …
The U.S. political system suffers from endemic design flaws and is notable for the way that a small subset of Americans—whose interests often don’t align with those of the vast majority of the population—wields disproportionate power. Absent organized and persistent action on the part of ordinary Americans, the system tends to serve the already powerful. That’s why this text is called Attenuated Democracy. To attenuate something is to make it weak or thin. Democracy in America has been thin from the beginning and continues to be so despite some notable progress in voting rights. As political scientists Benjamin Page and Martin Gilens wrote, “The essence of democracy is not just having reasonably satisfactory policies; the essence of democracy is popular control of government, with each citizen having an equal voice.” (1) Since this is likely to be your only college-level course on the American political system, it is important to point out the structural weaknesses of our system and the thin nature of our democracy. Whenever you get the chance—in the voting booth, in your job, perhaps if you hold elected office—I encourage you to do something about America’s attenuated democracy.
Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook, …
Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook, workbook and 21 accompanying audio exercises; as well as a reference grammar, to be used the entire two years. We also insist that our students obtain a full-sized dictionary, and we recommend the HARPER-COLLINS-ROBERT bilingual New Standard Edition. (Instructors will note in reviewing the materials that we provide vocabulary lists at the ends of chapters, with translations, but no glossary. We have become convinced after years of experience that glossaries are counter-productive. It is vital that students learn to use dictionaries, and the sooner the better.)
Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often …
Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often report not knowing how training in psychology relates to careers. With chapters written by experts across Australia, this book explores just some of the many ways that students can apply their training in psychological science across a variety of careers and sectors.
This book is a broad introduction to Australian politics and public policy. …
This book is a broad introduction to Australian politics and public policy. This field of study is important for Australians to understand the exercise of political power, their history and the scope for change. It is also important for analysts outside Australia looking for comparative cases. Within this volume are diverse topics and perspectives, demonstrating that the study of Australian politics and policy is not ‘fixed’. Rather, it is a contested field of academic scholarship. Indeed, the volume’s editors do not all agree on the content of this introduction!
This handbook describes the United States (U.S.) aviation weather program, products, and …
This handbook describes the United States (U.S.) aviation weather program, products, and services. It also documents weather theory and its application to aviation. The objective of this handbook is to help the pilot and operator understand the basics of weather, aviation weather hazards, and aviation weather products. The information included is not prescriptive. Furthermore, the guidance and recommendations in this handbook are not legally binding in their own right and will not be relied upon by the FAA as a separate basis for affirmative enforcement action or other administrative penalty. Conformity with the guidance and recommendations is voluntary only and nonconformity will not affect rights and obligations under existing statutes and regulations.
Description: This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for …
Description: This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 1 (roughly equivalent to beginner to grade 1.5 in the K-12 system). Every of the nine chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 100 words. The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 1 student to read each paragraph-long text with greater independence. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.
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