Chapter 1: Introduction: What Is Literary Theory and Why Should I Care? …
Chapter 1: Introduction: What Is Literary Theory and Why Should I Care? Chapter 2: Writing about Form: Developing the Foundations of Close Reading Chapter 3: Writing about Character and Motivation: Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism Chapter 4: Writing about Gender and Sexuality: Applying Feminist and Gender Criticism Chapter 5: Writing about Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Identity Chapter 6: Writing about Readers: Applying Reader-Response Theory Chapter 7: Writing about History and Culture from a New Historical Perspective Chapter 8: Writing about the Natural World Chapter 9: Reading and Writing in the Digital Age Chapter 10: Appendix A: Peer Review Sheets
Caribbean Creole languages result from language contact via colonization and the slave …
Caribbean Creole languages result from language contact via colonization and the slave trade. In this course we explore the history of Creole languages from cognitive, historical and comparative perspectives. We evaluate popular theories about "Creole genesis" and the role of language acquisition. Then we explore the non-linguistic aspects of Creole formation, using sources from literature, religion and music. We also look into issues of Caribbean identities as we examine Creole speakers' and others' beliefs and attitudes toward their cultures. We also make comparisons with relevant aspects of African-American culture in the U.S
Using a combination of the newest findings in hemispheric science, neuropsychology, and …
Using a combination of the newest findings in hemispheric science, neuropsychology, and brain development, along with the long-established rhetorical algorithms for analyzing the structure of arguments, this course explores the boundaries of critical and creative thinking in pursuit of developing a clearer and more robust model for the construction and deconstruction of various forms of argument. A variety of "texts" are used to help students develop rhetorical analysis skills, critical thinking tools and a diverse, integrative apparatus for establishing the veracity of truth claims in both academic and cultural contexts.
Table of Contents: Week 1 - Syllabus and Schedule Week 2 - Creative and Critical Thinking Week 3 - The Purpose of Argument (How to Be Wrong) Week 4 - Logos (Evidence, Support) Week 5 - Ethos (Character, Credibility) Week 6 - Pathos (Emotions, Values) Week 7 - Rhetorical Fallacies Week 8 - Toulmin Analysis (Claims and Data) Week 9 - Toulmin Analysis (Warrants) Week 10 - Visual Arguments, Media and Advertising Week 11 - Rhetorical Analysis
This course enhances cross-cultural understanding through the discussion of practical, ethical, and …
This course enhances cross-cultural understanding through the discussion of practical, ethical, and epistemological issues in conducting social science and applied research in foreign countries or unfamiliar communities. It includes a research practicum to help students develop interviewing, participant-observation, and other qualitative research skills, as well as critical discussion of case studies. The course is open to all interested students, but intended particularly for those planning to undertake exploratory research or applied work abroad. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments.
This course is an intermediate subject designed to help students gradually build …
This course is an intermediate subject designed to help students gradually build an in-depth understanding of France. The course focuses on French attitudes and values regarding education, work, family and institutions, and deals with the differing notions that underlie interpersonal interactions and communication styles, such as politeness, friendship and formality. Using a Web comparative, cross-cultural approach, students explore a variety of French and American materials, then analyze and compare them using questionnaires, opinion polls, news reports (in different media), as well as a variety of historical, anthropological and literary texts. Throughout the course, attention is given to the development of relevant linguistics skills. This course is recommended for students planning to study and work in France and is taught in French.
The subject of this course is the historical process by which the …
The subject of this course is the historical process by which the meaning of "technology" has been constructed. Although the word itself is traceable to the ancient Greek root teckhne (meaning art), it did not enter the English language until the 17th century, and did not acquire its current meaning until after World War I. The aim of the course, then, is to explore various sectors of industrializing 19th and 20th century Western society and culture with a view to explaining and assessing the emergence of technology as a pivotal word (and concept) in contemporary (especially Anglo-American) thought and expression.
This course examines cultural performances of Asia, including both traditional and contemporary …
This course examines cultural performances of Asia, including both traditional and contemporary forms, in a variety of genres. Students will explore the communicative power of performances with attention to the ways performers, media, cultural settings, and audiences interact. The representation of cultural difference is considered and how it is altered through processes of globalization. Performances are viewed live when possible, but the course also relies on video, audio, and online materials as necessary.
This course seeks to develop a nuanced understanding of the scope of …
This course seeks to develop a nuanced understanding of the scope of cultural and literary expression in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. It attends to broad socio-historical happenings, from the birth of modernism in the late 19th century to the post-modern moment. In addition to literary modernism, the course will also take a brief look at the cultural production of modernism in art, music, architecture, cinema, philosophy, and drama. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Define the terms modernism and modernity and explain the similarities and differences between these terms using specific works to illustrate comparison and contrast; List and explain the importance of a variety of social, cultural, and historical developments leading up to and occurring during the modern period; Cite and analyze the meaning of primary works of literature, poetry, art, music, architecture, cinema, philosophy and drama to illustrate the principle characteristics of modernism; Compare and contrast the literatures of both France and England from the start of the modern era (i.e., the turn of the twentieth century); Explain the impact of the Great War upon the development and expression of a variety of literary and artistic forms and especially on poetry in a number of genres; Describe the aftermath of World War I and its variety of effects upon literature and art and especially upon the poetry of T.S. Eliot and the novels of Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway; Define High Modernism and give examples of the tenets, ideals, and even the contradictions and self-contradictions of this movement in history and literature (and especially in both its Irish and British contexts); Define the terms postmodernism and deconstruction as well as the phrase Magical Realism and identify the most important characteristics of the movements, fields, theories, and texts associated with these terms; Explain the premises of postcolonial literature and literary theory and identify, describe, compare, and contrast postcolonial texts from range of national origins. (English Literature 204)
The period between the Renaissance and the Modern Era are referred to …
The period between the Renaissance and the Modern Era are referred to as the long 18th and 19th centuries, meaning that they span from around 1680-1830 and 1775-1910 - a time in which so many literary movements and cultural changes took place. In this course, the student will examine these formative cultural and literary developments such as the Enlightenment and Restoration Literature; the Rise of the Novel; Romanticism; and the Victorian Period. The student will identify and contextualize the principal characteristics of each of these movements/developments by reading representative texts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: identify the major literary trends of the 18th and 19th century, from Restoration comedy and satires through Victorian poetry and prose; outline the major developments in philosophical thought during the Enlightenment and identify these strains of thought in works like Voltarie's Candide; identify the factors that led to the rise of the novel as a literary form; identify the specific traits that characterize early sentimental, Gothic, and picaresque novel; describe the political factors that led to the popularity of Romanticism; describe the shift in thought that led to the split between Romanticism and Enlightenment; identify the themes, conventions, and tropes of Romantic poetry; define and explain the significance of the term/concept of ĺÎĺĺĺŤthe Romantic imagination; define the political, social, and economic factors that led to the surge in popular Victorian fiction; explain the significance of poetic experimentation in the 19th century works of writers like Tennyson, Hopkins, and Browning. (English Literature 203)
At the outset of the 16th century, Europeans tended to dismiss English …
At the outset of the 16th century, Europeans tended to dismiss English literature as inferior to continental literary traditions; the educated Englishman was obliged to travel to the continent and speak in other languages in order to culture himself. By the end of the Renaissance, however, some of the greatest works in the English language from Shakespeare's dramas to Thomas More's Utopia had been written. In this course, the student will read and examine these works, situating them within their socio-historical and literary contexts, while attempting to determine how the art of English language and letters came into its own during this dynamic period. (English Literature 202)
Course Review: Cultural and Literary Expressions in the 18th and 19th Centuries Reviewed …
Course Review: Cultural and Literary Expressions in the 18th and 19th Centuries Reviewed by Joyce Cottonham, Southern University in Shreveport, LA
Este libro de texto busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales …
Este libro de texto busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. This textbook aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos.
¿Cómo suena? Fonética y fonología del español was created in 2021 by …
¿Cómo suena? Fonética y fonología del español was created in 2021 by Alejandra Escudero, a Spanish lecturer at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oneonta, with two independent study Spanish students, Nicole Barreca and Alyssa Carbone. Their work was supported by funding from the SUNY Oneonta Student Grant Program for Research and Creative Activities.
Table of Contents: Unidad 1: Módulo 1: Introducción a la fonética y la fonología Módulo 2: Nociones básicas Módulo 3: Tildes Módulo 4: Las vocales Módulo 5: La sílaba y las consonantes 'yod' y 'wau' Módulo 6: Vocales en contacto y el ritmo
Unidad 2: Módulo 7: Las consonantes Módulo 8: La transcripción fonética, fonemas y alófonos Módulo 9: Las consonantes africadas y los fonemas oclusivos sordos Módulo 10: Las consonantes nasales Módulo 11: Los sonidos obstruyentes sonoros Módulo 12: Las consonantes vibrantes Módulo 13: La consonante lateral Módulo 14: Las consonantes fricativas
Unidad 3: Módulo 15: Raíces e historia del español Módulo 16: Rasgos del español peninsular Módulo 17: Rasgos del español latinoamericano
Recursos adicionales Prácticas de transcripción fonética estricta Tabla grafo-fonética Glosario de términos técnicos útiles Materiales de estudio Banco de dialectos
The Digital American Literature Anthology is a free, online textbook that surveys …
The Digital American Literature Anthology is a free, online textbook that surveys American literature from its beginnings to the early twentieth century. It is available in multiple digital formats, though specifically designed for tablets, laptops, and e-readers. The textbook has links to unit introductions, and multiple supplemental online resources.
Canvas Commons course associated with the textbook: Dance Appreciation is an …
Canvas Commons course associated with the textbook:
Dance Appreciation is an introduction to dance as an art form. Throughout the semester, we'll study the historical, cultural, social, and performative contexts of various dance genres. By engaging in aesthetic, theoretical, and scholarly discourses, we can reflect on how dance functions as a form of personal expression and communication and how dance reflects on contemporary society. This course was created through Interactive OER for Dual Enrollment, a project led by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network ( and funded with a $2 million Open Textbooks Pilot Program grant from the Department of Education. This project supports the extension of access to high-quality post-secondary opportunities to high school students across Louisiana and beyond. It features a collaboration between educational systems in Louisiana, the library community, Pressbooks, and workforce representatives to enable and enhance the delivery of open educational resources (OER) and interactive quiz and assessment elements for priority dual enrollment courses in Louisiana and nationally. Developed OER course materials are released under a license that permits their free use, reuse, modification and sharing with others. This includes a textbook and corresponding course available in Moodle and Canvas that can be imported to other platforms. For access/questions, contact Affordable Learning Louisiana ( If you are adopting this resource, we would be glad to know of your use via this brief survey:
Moodle Net course associated with the textbook: Dance Appreciation is an …
Moodle Net course associated with the textbook:
Dance Appreciation is an introduction to dance as an art form. Throughout the semester, we'll study the historical, cultural, social, and performative contexts of various dance genres. By engaging in aesthetic, theoretical, and scholarly discourses, we can reflect on how dance functions as a form of personal expression and communication and how dance reflects on contemporary society. This course was created through Interactive OER for Dual Enrollment, a project led by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network ( and funded with a $2 million Open Textbooks Pilot Program grant from the Department of Education. This project supports the extension of access to high-quality post-secondary opportunities to high school students across Louisiana and beyond. It features a collaboration between educational systems in Louisiana, the library community, Pressbooks, and workforce representatives to enable and enhance the delivery of open educational resources (OER) and interactive quiz and assessment elements for priority dual enrollment courses in Louisiana and nationally. Developed OER course materials are released under a license that permits their free use, reuse, modification and sharing with others. This includes a textbook and corresponding course available in Moodle and Canvas that can be imported to other platforms. For access/questions, contact Affordable Learning Louisiana ( If you are adopting this resource, we would be glad to know of your use via this brief survey:
Explores aesthetic and technical underpinnings of contemporary dance composition. Basic compositional techniques …
Explores aesthetic and technical underpinnings of contemporary dance composition. Basic compositional techniques discussed and practiced with an emphasis on principles such as weight, space, time, effort, and shape. Principles of musicality considered and developed by each student. Working together, students create short compositions to help them understand the range of possibilities available when working with the medium of the human body. Selected viewing and reading exercises augment classroom work. Class attends at least two professional dance events in the Boston area.
In this course, the student will consider Dante's literature for its stylistic …
In this course, the student will consider Dante's literature for its stylistic and thematic contributions to the body of Medieval and Italian literature, as well as for its inventive appraisal of Christianity. First, the student will examine the context of Dante's life and works, followed by taking a look at some of Dante's shorter works. Then, the student will devote the majority of the course to the study of Dante's masterpiece,The Divine Comedy. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: summarize Dante's philosophy on the use of language in literature; identify Dante's attitude towards the relationship between Church and State based on readings from his essays; complete an autobiographical reading of Dante's work, with attention to the influence that specific romantic, political, and religious aspects of his life had on his texts; define important terms related to the study of Dante's work specifically, the poetic devices on which he relied most frequently; identify the structural aspects of The Divine Comedy, and in particular discuss the importance of the overarching circular structure of the text; point to the major biblical, historical, and literary allusions in The Divine Comedy and discuss the significance of these references; perform a cogent reading of the important symbols in Dante's texts (i.e. the presence of light, fire, and roses); critically discuss the key themes in Dante's writings, such as the narrator as pilgrim, divine judgment, and the physical reality of hell. (English Literature 409)
Beginning with the decline of the Roman Empire, this course discusses German, …
Beginning with the decline of the Roman Empire, this course discusses German, Muslim, Viking and Magyar invasions, the development of Catholicism in Western Europe and of Eastern Orthodoxy in the Byzantine Empire, the Arabic contribution to mathematics, science, and philsophy and the institutions of feudalism and manorialism. The course concludes with the economic, demographic and urban revival which began around 1000 AD.
Humans are social animals; social demands, both cooperative and competitive, structure our …
Humans are social animals; social demands, both cooperative and competitive, structure our development, our brain and our mind. This course covers social development, social behaviour, social cognition and social neuroscience, in both human and non-human social animals. Topics include altruism, empathy, communication, theory of mind, aggression, power, groups, mating, and morality. Methods include evolutionary biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, social psychology and anthropology.
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