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Liberty, Equality and Due Process: Cases, Controversies, and Contexts in Constitutional Law
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0.0 stars

This Casebook is intended to be used in a course which concentrates on Constitutional Rights and centers the Fourteenth Amendment. It can be used in a first year Law School course with a title such as “Liberty, Equality, and Due Process,” as it is at CUNY School of Law, an upper division Constitutional Rights course, or an advanced undergraduate course focusing on constitutional rights, especially equality and due process.

Material Type:
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Ruthann Robson
Date Added:
Marine Law and Policy for Scientists and Managers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This open educational resource is designed for use by undergraduate and graduate ocean science, natural resource, fisheries and wildlife, and environmental policy students enrolled in a ten-week academic quarter. The purpose of this project is to provide students and non-law professionals with a freely accessible, clearly written guide to support engaging and effective learning. As such, the book serves as a gateway and an invitation to become a well informed, committed and involved ocean citizen as well as to explore the field beyond our course study.

Table of Contents
Unit 1 - Our Public Oceans
Unit 2 - Management of Protected Marine Species
Unit 3 - Managing Through Specially Designated Areas
Unit 4 - Our Fisheries
Unit 5 - Regulating Ocean Impacts
Unit 6 - Introduction to International Fisheries Management
Unit 7 - Current Problems in American Ocean Management: Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
Unit 8 - U.S. Management of Offshore Energy
Unit 9 - Coastal Management in the United States
Unit 10 - Restoring Marine Environments: The Roles of Innovative Regulatory, Planning and Human Dimensions Tools
Unit 11 – The Future of Ocean Management

Material Type:
Holly V. Campbell
Date Added:
Marine Law and Policy for Scientists and Managers - 1st Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This open educational resource is designed for use by undergraduate and graduate ocean science, natural resource, fisheries and wildlife, and environmental policy students enrolled in a ten-week academic quarter. The purpose of this project is to provide students and non-law professionals with a freely accessible, clearly written guide to support engaging and effective learning. As such, the book serves as a gateway and an invitation to become a well informed, committed and involved ocean citizen as well as to explore the field beyond our course study.

Career and Technical Education
Maritime Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Holly V. Campbell
Date Added:
Module 3: Open License
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A license is a document that specifies what can and cannot be done with a work. It grants permissions and states restrictions. Broadly speaking, an open license is one that grants permission to access, re-use and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions (definition from Openedefinition.org).

General Law
Material Type:
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Provider Set:
Open Washington
Date Added:
Module 4: Creative Commons Licenses
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In previous modules we had a chance to discuss the background of open licenses and what they are. We learned that Creative Commons (CC) is the most widely used open license for open educational resources. In this module, we will discuss CC licenses– what they are, to what they pertain, and how to mark our works with them.

General Law
Material Type:
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Provider Set:
Open Washington
Date Added:
Open Judicial Politics
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0.0 stars

Open Judicial Politics is a compilation of new and original research in judicial politics, written specifically for the undergraduate audience, thus providing accessible examples of political science research that also address some of the more current concerns and controversies in our field. Additionally, every article is accompanied by some type of classroom activity from basic discussion questions to full-blown simulations that make it easier for instructors to adapt the material to their courses and enhance their courses with interactives. The chapters of the volume generally follow the well-worn path of most textbooks of judicial politics, making the volume an easy companion for adoption, and the material should fit seamlessly into the pre-established structures of most courses.

Table of Contents
I. Chapter 1: Actors in the Judicial Process
II. Chapter 2: Court Procedures
III. Chapter 3. Decision Making
IV. Chapter 4: Public Opinion
V. Chapter 5: Media
VI. Chapter 6: Policy Making

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
American University
Eric Waltenburg
Jennifer Segal Diascro
Oregon State University
Purdue University
Rorie Spill Solberg
Date Added:
Open-Source Property: A Free Casebook
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0.0 stars

Open Source Property: A Free Casebook is a free resource for instructors and students of the first-year Property Law course at American law schools, and anyone else with an interest in the subject.

Table of Contents
Part I: Foundations
Part II: Possession
Part III: Interests
Part IV: Transfers
Part V: Use

Material Type:
James Grimmelmann
Michael Grynberg
Stephen Clowney
Date Added:
Open-Source Property: A Free Casebook
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0.0 stars

Open Source Property: A Free Casebook is a free resource for instructors and students of the first-year Property Law course at American law schools, and anyone else with an interest in the subject.

Material Type:
James Grimmelmann
Michael Grynberg
Stephen Clowney
Date Added:
Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property, Spring 2013
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0.0 stars

Introductory examination of the US law of intellectual property, with emphasis on patents and copyrights, and a brief look at trademarks and trade secrets. Comparisons made with regard to what can and cannot be protected, what rights the owner does and does not obtain, and how these rights come into being. Issues relating particularly to new information technologies highlighted. Assignments include case and statutory readings, written preparatory exercises, and student case presentations.

Business and Communication
General Law
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Meldman, Jeffrey
Date Added:
Pay for Play: How the Music Industry Works, Where the Money Goes, and Why
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0.0 stars

The history of music is closely linked to the history of copyright law. This book explores how the law shaped music and the music industry. From church and court patronage in pre-19th Century Europe, to the effects of social media on music, this book explores the abiding influence of the law on music.

Career and Technical Education
Film and Music Production
General Law
Political Science
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
University of Oregon
Larry Wayte
Date Added:
Planning in Transition Economies for Growth and Equity, Spring 2004
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0.0 stars

During the last fifteen years, nations across the globe embarked on a historic transformation away from centrally planned economies to market-oriented ones. However, in the common pursuit for economic growth, these transition economies implemented widely different reform strategies with mixed results. With over a decade of empirical evidence now available, this new course examines this phenomenon that has pushed the discourse in a number of disciplines, requiring us to reconsider fundamental issues such as: - the proper relationship between business, government, and the public interest; - the possible synergies and tensions between economic growth and equity; and - how economic transition has reshaped cities. The premise of the course is that the primary issue in transition involves institution-building and re-building in different contexts.

General Law
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Kim, Annette Miae
Date Added:
Popular Policing Video Lecture Part I
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This seminar is part of a digital course Trends in the Governance of Security introduced by Clifford Shearing which focuses on civic or popular policing This type of policing is located within communities rather than within either the state or private security Irvin Kinnes looks at methods of nonstate forms of justice and policing in communities in South Africa giving a historical overview and discussing the challenges facedLearning across Borders LABS is an initiative to foster sustainable teaching and research in Africa is the outreach arm of the Centre of Criminology at the University of Cape Town Trends in the Governance of Security is the first of a series of digital courses which aim is to support and enhance the the quality of teaching on security and justice within African tertiary learning institutions The aim is to develop and share digital materials that will bring key scholars in Africa and the world directly into African classrooms Through the development of these courses it is intended to provide support to African learning institutions engaged in capacity development for scholars policy analysts and practitionersFunding for the Project was received from the South African National Research Foundation NRF Chair of Security and Justicea South Africa Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology and the NRF hosted by the Law Faculty UCT as well as the Centre of Educational Technology at the University of Cape Town

General Law
Material Type:
University of Cape Town
Provider Set:
UCT OpenContent
Clifford Shearing
Irvin Kinnes
Date Added:
Popular Policing Video Lecture Part II
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This seminar is part of a digital course Trends in the Governance of Security introduced by Clifford Shearing which focuses on civic or popular policing John Cartwright focuses on a particular case of civic policing called the Zwelethemba model where local communities are involved in peacekeeping in the area of Zwelethemba near Cape Town This model of policing is a method of governing security at the local level which is informed by and mobilizes local capacity and knowledgeLearning across Borders LABS is an initiative to foster sustainable teaching and research in Africa is the outreach arm of the Centre of Criminology at the University of Cape Town Trends in the Governance of Security is the first of a series of digital courses which aim is to support and enhance the the quality of teaching on security and justice within African tertiary learning institutions The aim is to develop and share digital materials that will bring key scholars in Africa and the world directly into African classrooms Through the development of these courses it is intended to provide support to African learning institutions engaged in capacity development for scholars policy analysts and practitionersFunding for the Project was received from the South African National Research Foundation NRF Chair of Security and Justicea South Africa Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology and the NRF hosted by the Law Faculty UCT as well as the Centre of Educational Technology at the University of Cape Town

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
General Law
Material Type:
University of Cape Town
Provider Set:
UCT OpenContent
Clifford Shearing
John Cartwright
Date Added:
Professional Responsibility: An Open-Source Casebook
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. Accordingly, we included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and restatements, as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book addresses a different issue, in the following format. First, it clearly and concisely explains the relevant law governing that issue. Then provides the relevant text of any statutes, Model Rules, sections of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, or other sources, with a link to an open-source versions of the full text, when available. It provides one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law at issue, with a link to an open-source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning, and holding, and followed by questions intended to indicate subjects for further investigation or discussion. And finally, it includes citations to law review articles and other materials relevant to the law at issue, with links to open-source versions of those materials, when available.

This casebook covers a wide range of different subjects related to the professional responsibility of attorneys. While it is possible to cover all of this material in a three credit-hour course, you may wish to omit some subjects. You may also wish to supplement the materials in this casebook with additional materials. We encourage you to use this casebook in any way that you like.

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: The Attorney-Client Relationship
Section 3: The Legal Duties of an Attorney
Section 4: Conflicts of Interest
Section 5: Confidentiality
Section 6: Advocacy & Conduct
Section 7: The Regulation of the Legal Profession
Section 8: Justifying the Rules of Professional Responsibility

Access also available here: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/lawfac_book/5/

Material Type:
Elizabeth Schiller
Brian L. Frye
Date Added:
Professional Responsibility: An Open-Source Casebook
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. Accordingly, we included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and restatements, as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book addresses a different issue, in the following format. First, it clearly and concisely explains the relevant law governing that issue. Then provides the relevant text of any statutes, Model Rules, sections of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, or other sources, with a link to an open-source versions of the full text, when available. It provides one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law at issue, with a link to an open-source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning, and holding, and followed by questions intended to indicate subjects for further investigation or discussion. And finally, it includes citations to law review articles and other materials relevant to the law at issue, with links to open-source versions of those materials, when available.

Material Type:
Brian L. Frye
Elizabeth Schiller
Date Added:
Property Rights in Transition, Spring 2005
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Examines alternative economic, political, and social perspectives of property rights and their policy and planning implications. Focuses on institutional and governance structures, power and control mechanisms, distributional consequences of different property rights arrangements, and problems of incomplete contracts as presented in theory and practice. Deals with property-rights issues related to two or more of the following: land, natural resources, infrastructure, or industrial organization.

General Law
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Kim, Annette Miae
Date Added:
Property Volume 1
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is Volume 1 of a two volume set written for Property Law. From the Preface: Property, as a vaguely defined collection of contract, tort, and criminal cases, does not take on the natural structure of a substantive area of the law through the systematic study of duty, breach, causation, defenses, and damages. Instead this textbook and most Property courses survey various topics in law with two goals in mind. First, we will study a number of traditional property topics, those where the issue of "ownership" and what that entails have long been thought to be a central issue. Second, but most importantly, our interdisciplinary study will introduce some of the major analytical techniques in law, from reasoning using precedent to law and economics to distributive justice. As we roam among topics, our goal is always, relentlessly to ask, "Why?" "Why should the law protect this party's interest?" These major techniques that we will pick up along the way will help us provide better and better answers to this question.

Material Type:
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Christian Turner
Date Added:
Property Volume 2
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is Volume 2 of a two volume set written for Property Law. From the Preface to Volume 1: Property, as a vaguely defined collection of contract, tort, and criminal cases, does not take on the natural structure of a substantive area of the law through the systematic study of duty, breach, causation, defenses, and damages. Instead this textbook and most Property courses survey various topics in law with two goals in mind. First, we will study a number of traditional property topics, those where the issue of "ownership" and what that entails have long been thought to be a central issue. Second, but most importantly, our interdisciplinary study will introduce some of the major analytical techniques in law, from reasoning using precedent to law and economics to distributive justice. As we roam among topics, our goal is always, relentlessly to ask, "Why?" "Why should the law protect this party's interest?" These major techniques that we will pick up along the way will help us provide better and better answers to this question.

Material Type:
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Christian Turner
Date Added:
Religion in the Law: An Open Access Casebook
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This casebook features nearly sixty cases from American courts that involve, in some important way, religious belief and action. The book is divided into sections: First Principles, Establishment, Free Exercise, and Special Problems. Each section includes landmark or otherwise influential cases that have influenced American law and religious practice. Most cases come from the U.S. Supreme Court but the lower federal and state courts are also represented.

In the contextual introductions to each section and subpart, I have tried to give the reader a basis for understanding how the cases came about and why I chose them for this book. I have tried to minimize editorial comment. I have cited some scholarship where I think it would be helpful, but please do not mistake this as an attempt to produce a comprehensive treatise on the subject of religion in the law. It is a casebook, and a short one, all things considered. At the end of each introductory part is a short “further reading” list. I chose those articles because I found each of them interesting and useful to under-standing the topics that precede them. Their selection is not necessarily an endorsement of each author’s arguments, though I do agree with some of them.

I designed this casebook specifically for my own use in a 400-level undergraduate seminar called Law & Society. Class sessions using this book are intended to be student-led, roundtable talks with the professor acting as discussion prompter and neutral mediator. Generally, two cases are assigned for each class session. I selected, edited, and arranged the cases to complement each other thematically and chronologically to the best of my ability. Many of the cases include overlapping topics and could fit into multiple categories, so I took some liberties in their arrangement. Your mileage may vary.

Table of Contents
First Principles
Free Exercise
Special Problems

Material Type:
Joe Dunman
Date Added:
Religion in the Law: An Open Access Casebook - First Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This casebook features nearly sixty cases from American courts that involve, in some important way, religious belief and action. The book is divided into sections: First Principles, Establishment, Free Exercise, and Special Problems. Each section includes landmark or otherwise influential cases that have influenced American law and religious practice. Most cases come from the U.S. Supreme Court but the lower federal and state courts are also represented.

In the contextual introductions to each section and subpart, I have tried to give the reader a basis for understanding how the cases came about and why I chose them for this book. I have tried to minimize editorial comment. I have cited some scholarship where I think it would be helpful, but please do not mistake this as an attempt to produce a comprehensive treatise on the subject of religion in the law. It is a casebook, and a short one, all things considered. At the end of each introductory part is a short “further reading” list. I chose those articles because I found each of them interesting and useful to under-standing the topics that precede them. Their selection is not necessarily an endorsement of each author’s arguments, though I do agree with some of them.

I designed this casebook specifically for my own use in a 400-level undergraduate seminar called Law & Society. Class sessions using this book are intended to be student-led, roundtable talks with the professor acting as discussion prompter and neutral mediator. Generally, two cases are assigned for each class session. I selected, edited, and arranged the cases to complement each other thematically and chronologically to the best of my ability. Many of the cases include overlapping topics and could fit into multiple categories, so I took some liberties in their arrangement. Your mileage may vary.

Material Type:
L. Joe Dunman
Date Added: