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Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics
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0.0 stars

Part 1: Thinking Like a Political Scientist
Chapter 1: What is Politics
Chapter 2: The Nature of Political Power
Chapter 3: Who Has Power in U. S. Politics?
Chapter 4: Political Science as a Social Science
Chapter 5: Common Fallacies in Argumentation
Chapter 6: Making Strong Arguments
Chapter 7: Basic Political Analysis
Chapter 8: Six Very Powerful Questions
Chapter 9: Critical Reading and Reflection
Chapter 10: The Context of U. S. Government and Politics

Part 2: Constitutional Foundations
Chapter 11: Natural Rights and the Declaration of Independence
Chapter 12: Articles of Confederation, Shays' Rebellion and the Road to the Constitution
Chapter 13: Key Features of the U. S. Constitution
Chapter 14: The Battle for Ratification and the Bill of Rights
Chapter 15: A Federal Republic
Chapter 16: Federalism's Historical Development
Chapter 17: A Secular Republic
Chapter 18: Amending the Constitution
Chapter 19: How Democratic is the U. S. Constitution?

Part 3: Congress
Chapter 20: Who are Our Members of Congress and Whom Do They Represent?
Chapter 21: Congressional Roles
Chapter 22: How Congress Passes Legislation
Chapter 23: Pathologies of Congressional Behavior
Chapter 24: The Undemocratic Senate

Part 4: The Presidency
Chapter 25: The President as Person and Institution
Chapter 26: The Vice President and Presidential Succession
Chapter 27: The President's Domestic Powers
Chapter 28: The President's Foreign Policy Powers
Chapter 29: Contemporary Issues of Presidential Power
Chapter 30: Impeachment and Removal of the President

Part 5: The Supreme Court
Chapter 31: Purpose and Operation of the Supreme Court
Chapter 32: Paths to the Supreme Court
Chapter 33: Appointing and Confirming Supreme Court Justices
Chapter 34: The Interpretive Work of the Supreme Court
Chapter 35: The Supreme Court as an Ideological Actor

Part 6: The Federal Bureaucracy
Chapter 36: Government is Good
Chapter 37: The Scope and Size of the Federal Government
Chapter 38: The Work of the Federal Civil Service and Political Appointees
Chapter 39: Revolving Doors and Corporate Capture of Federal Agencies
Chapter 40: American Budget Priorities

Part 7: Linkage Institutions
Chapter 41: What Do Political Parties Do?
Chapter 42: The Historical Development of American Political Parties
Chapter 43: Policy Preferences of American Political Parties
Chapter 44: Why Do We Have a Two-Party System?
Chapter 45: The Universe of Organized Interests
Chapter 46: Strategies of Organized Interests
Chapter 47: The Historical Development of the News Media
Chapter 48: The Contemporary News Media Ecosystem

Part 8: Electoral Politics and Public Opinion
Chapter 49: Expanding Voting Eligibility in American History
Chapter 50: Early Election Reforms
Chapter 51: The Electoral College
Chapter 52: The Integrity of American Elections
Chapter 53: Gerrymandering
Chapter 54: Campaign Finance
Chapter 55: The Advantages of Incumbency
Chapter 56: Public Opinion and Political Socialization

Part 9: Individual Political Behavior
Chapter 57: Voting
Chapter 58: Beyond Voting
Chapter 59: Civil Disobedience
Chapter 60: Political Violence
Chapter 61: A Guide to Living in an Attenuated Democracy

Part 10: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Chapter 62: The Difference Between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Chapter 63: Incorporation or Nationalization of the Bill of Rights
Chapter 64: The Boundaries of Freedom of Speech and the Press
Chapter 65: The Law and Politics of Religious Freedom
Chapter 66: The Individual and the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 67: Threats to Individual Freedom--Government Versus Corporations
Chapter 68: Civil Rights Case Study--Race
Chapter 69: Civil Rights Case Study--Sex
Chapter 70: Civil Rights Case Study--Sexual Orientation

Access is also available here: https://slcc.pressbooks.pub/attenuateddemocracy/

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
David Hubert
Date Added:
Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics
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0.0 stars

The U.S. political system suffers from endemic design flaws and is notable for the way that a small subset of Americans—whose interests often don’t align with those of the vast majority of the population—wields disproportionate power. Absent organized and persistent action on the part of ordinary Americans, the system tends to serve the already powerful. That’s why this text is called Attenuated Democracy. To attenuate something is to make it weak or thin. Democracy in America has been thin from the beginning and continues to be so despite some notable progress in voting rights. As political scientists Benjamin Page and Martin Gilens wrote, “The essence of democracy is not just having reasonably satisfactory policies; the essence of democracy is popular control of government, with each citizen having an equal voice.” (1) Since this is likely to be your only college-level course on the American political system, it is important to point out the structural weaknesses of our system and the thin nature of our democracy. Whenever you get the chance—in the voting booth, in your job, perhaps if you hold elected office—I encourage you to do something about America’s attenuated democracy.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Salt Lake Community College
David Hubert
Date Added:
Attraction and Repulsion: The Magic of Magnets, Fall 2005
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0.0 stars

This Freshman Advising Seminar surveys the many applications of magnets and magnetism. To the Chinese and Greeks of ancient times, the attractive and repulsive forces between magnets must have seemed magical indeed. Through the ages, miraculous curative powers have been attributed to magnets, and magnets have been used by illusionists to produce "magical" effects. Magnets guided ships in the Age of Exploration and generated the electrical industry in the 19th century. Today they store information and entertainment on disks and tapes, and produce sound in speakers, images on TV screens, rotation in motors, and levitation in high-speed trains. Students visit various MIT projects related to magnets (including superconducting electromagnets) and read about and discuss the history, legends, pseudoscience, science, and technology of types of magnets, including applications in medicine. Several short written reports and at least one oral presentation will be required of each participant.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Livingston, James
Date Added:
Au Boulot! First-Year French
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0.0 stars

Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook, workbook and 21 accompanying audio exercises; as well as a reference grammar, to be used the entire two years. We also insist that our students obtain a full-sized dictionary, and we recommend the HARPER-COLLINS-ROBERT bilingual New Standard Edition. (Instructors will note in reviewing the materials that we provide vocabulary lists at the ends of chapters, with translations, but no glossary. We have become convinced after years of experience that glossaries are counter-productive. It is vital that students learn to use dictionaries, and the sooner the better.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Kansas
Herve Pensec
Hope Christiansen
Madeleine Kernen
Date Added:
The Australian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science
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0.0 stars

Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often report not knowing how training in psychology relates to careers. With chapters written by experts across Australia, this book explores just some of the many ways that students can apply their training in psychological science across a variety of careers and sectors.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Southern Queensland
Carla Jeffries
Nancey Hoare
Tanya Machin
Tony Machin
Date Added:
Australian Politics and Policy - Senior
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0.0 stars

This book is a broad introduction to Australian politics and public policy. This field of study is important for Australians to understand the exercise of political power, their history and the scope for change. It is also important for analysts outside Australia looking for comparative cases. Within this volume are diverse topics and perspectives, demonstrating that the study of Australian politics and policy is not ‘fixed’. Rather, it is a contested field of academic scholarship. Indeed, the volume’s editors do not all agree on the content of this introduction!

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Sydney University Press
John R. Butcher
Nicholas Barry
Peter J. Chen
Date Added:
Authoring Open Textbooks
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. Content includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.

Material Type:
Open Textbook Network
Anita R. Walz
Caitie Finlayson
Cody Taylor
Deb Quentel
Dianna Fisher
Karen Bjork
Karen Lauritsen
Linda Frederiksen
Melissa Falldin
Ralph Morelli
Shane Nackerud
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Autism Theory and Technology, Spring 2011
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This course illuminates current theories about autism together with challenges faced by people on the autism spectrum. Theories in communicating, interacting socially, managing cognitive and affective overload, and achieving independent lifestyles are covered. In parallel, the course presents state-of-the-art technologies being developed for helping improve both theoretical understanding and practical outcomes. Participants are expected to meet and interact with people on the autism spectrum. Weekly reading, discussion, and a term project are required.

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Matthew Goodwin
Rosalind W. Picard
Date Added:
AutoCAD 2D eBook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The AutoCAD 2D eBook was written as a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore the eBook was written with competency-based modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allows you to work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education, correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office. This eBook was designed to be used on AutoCAD software that was designed for the Windows operating system. An editable, Pressbooks version of this textbook is under development.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Wally Baumback
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Automata, Computability, and Complexity, Spring 2011
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0.0 stars

This course provides a challenging introduction to some of the central ideas of theoretical computer science. Beginning in antiquity, the course will progress through finite automata, circuits and decision trees, Turing machines and computability, efficient algorithms and reducibility, the P versus NP problem, NP-completeness, the power of randomness, cryptography and one-way functions, computational learning theory, and quantum computing. It examines the classes of problems that can and cannot be solved by various kinds of machines. It tries to explain the key differences between computational models that affect their power.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Aaronson, Scott
Date Added:
Automate the Boring Stuff
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0.0 stars

If you've ever spent hours renaming files or updating hundreds of spreadsheet cells, you know how tedious tasks like these can be. But what if you could have your computer do them for you?

In Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, you'll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand-no prior programming experience required. Once you've mastered the basics of programming, you'll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation to:

Search for text in a file or across multiple files
Create, update, move, and rename files and folders
Search the Web and download online content
Update and format data in Excel spreadsheets of any size
Split, merge, watermark, and encrypt PDFs
Send reminder emails and text notifications
Fill out online forms

Step-by-step instructions walk you through each program, and practice projects at the end of each chapter challenge you to improve those programs and use your newfound skills to automate similar tasks.

Don't spend your time doing work a well-trained monkey could do. Even if you've never written a line of code, you can make your computer do the grunt work. Learn how in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Al Sweigert
Date Added:
Automatic Speech Recognition, Spring 2003
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0.0 stars

Graduate-level introduction to automatic speech recognition. Provides relevant background in acoustic theory of speech production, properties of speech sounds, signal representation, acoustic modeling, pattern classification, search algorithms, stochastic modeling techniques (including hidden Markov modeling), and language modeling. Examines approaches of state-of-the-art speech recognition systems. Introduces students to the rapidly developing field of automatic speech recognition. Its content is divided into three parts. Part I deals with background material in the acoustic theory of speech production, acoustic-phonetics, and signal representation. Part II describes algorithmic aspects of speech recognition systems including pattern classification, search algorithms, stochastic modelling, and language modelling techniques. Part III compares and contrasts the various approaches to speech recognition, and describes advanced techniques used for acoustic-phonetic modelling, robust speech recognition, speaker adaptation, processing paralinguistic information, speech understanding, and multimodal processing.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Glass, James Robert
Date Added:
Autonomic Nervous System - Anatomy & Physiology
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0.0 stars

The peripheral nervous system found in most domestic species can be segregated into three sub-systems; the sensory system, the somatic motor system and the autonomic system. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the internal environment of the body including factors such as body temperature, blood pressure and concentrations of many substances. The ANS is also responsible for mobilising the body's resources during stressful situations. The ANS controls gland cells, cardiac muscle cells and smooth muscle cells. Control of this nervous system is involuntary and regulation is via autonomic reflexes. The autonomic reflex arc system is very similar to that of the somatic motor system, i.e. there are sensory (afferent) nerve fibres, an information integration centre, motor (efferent) fibres and effector cells. Any levels of increased activity within the autonomic nervous system can result in both stimulation or inhibition of effector cells, although it is only the efferent part of the reflex arc that is actually considered autonomic.

Natural Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Anatomy & Physiology
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Avian Intestines - Anatomy & Physiology
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0.0 stars

The intestines occupy the caudal part of the body. They contact the reproductive organs and the gizzard. The small intestine is long and relatively uniform in shape and size. There is no demarcation between the jejunum and the ileum.

Natural Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Anatomy & Physiology
Date Added:
Aviation Weather Handbook FAA-H-8083-28
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This handbook describes the United States (U.S.) aviation weather program, products, and services. It also documents weather theory and its application to aviation. The objective of this handbook is to help the pilot and operator understand the basics of weather, aviation weather hazards, and aviation weather products. The information included is not prescriptive. Furthermore, the guidance and recommendations in this handbook are not legally binding in their own right and will not be relied upon by the FAA as a separate basis for affirmative enforcement action or other administrative penalty. Conformity with the guidance and recommendations is voluntary only and nonconformity will not affect rights and obligations under existing statutes and regulations.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Aviation Administration
Date Added:
Avoiding Genomic Instability: DNA Replication, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer, Fall 2006
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0.0 stars

In this class we will learn about how the process of DNA replication is regulated throughout the cell cycle and what happens when DNA replication goes awry. How does the cell know when and where to begin replicating its DNA? How does a cell prevent its DNA from being replicated more than once? How does damaged DNA cause the cell to arrest DNA replication until that damage has been repaired? And how is the duplication of the genome coordinated with other essential processes? We will examine both classical and current papers from the scientific literature to provide answers to these questions and to gain insights into how biologists have approached such problems. This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly interactive setting. Many instructors of the Advanced Undergraduate Seminars are postdoctoral scientists with a strong interest in teaching.

Natural Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Randell, John
Date Added:
Avoiding Plagiarism
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

We know you have come to this tutorial because you are a serious writer who wants to write well — and correctly! You have probably heard the word plagiarism and would like to understand it better. You have come to the right place. In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

What plagiarism is
How to recognize seven different kinds of plagiarism
The correct way to use ‘open access’ materials
The consequences of plagiarism
How to avoid plagiarism by doing the following:
Citing sources correctly
Recognizing ‘common knowledge’
Writing good paraphrases
Writing good summaries
Taking careful notes

Literature and Composition
Material Type:
Excelsior College
Provider Set:
Excelsior College Online Writing Lab
Date Added:
BBC Guide to Arabic - The Arabic Alphabet
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

This page contains a list of all the letters in the Arabic alphabet, organized in seven groups. Users can listen to a native speaker read the names of the letters online or download the clips for home use. Users can also print out selected letters. The site also lists information about writing in Arabic, including the short vowel system, joining the Arabic letters together, and the names for symbols commonly used in email addresses.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
BBC Guide to Arabic
Date Added:
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 1
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Description: This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 1 (roughly equivalent to beginner to grade 1.5 in the K-12 system). Every of the nine chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 100 words. The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 1 student to read each paragraph-long text with greater independence. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Literature and Composition
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Shantel Ivits
Date Added: