Acceso is a complete, interactive curriculum for intermediate-level learners of Spanish. The …
Acceso is a complete, interactive curriculum for intermediate-level learners of Spanish. The materials on the site are provided freely to the public and are intended as a replacement for commercial textbooks, which are generally ill-suited to the learning outcomes now considered crucial to successful language study. These materials are supplemented by an online workbook built on the MySpanishLab platform of Pearson Education, Inc., as well as detailed lesson plans, rubrics for the evaluation of student work, and reliable instruments for measuring student progress and learning outcomes.Winner of 2012 Computer Assisted Language Consortium (CALICO) Focus AwardReviewed in:CALICO Journal 29.2 (Jan 2012): 398-405.Hispania 95.2 (June 2012): 365-366
Chinese Take-In provides an interactive environment where first-year Chinese learners can practice …
Chinese Take-In provides an interactive environment where first-year Chinese learners can practice listening outside the classroom according to individual needs and paces while receiving immediate feedback.
The Portuguese language lessons of ClicaBrasil highlight aspects of Brazilian culture. They …
The Portuguese language lessons of ClicaBrasil highlight aspects of Brazilian culture. They are designed for intermediate to advanced students, but are accessible to everyone. Each lesson includes videos of Brazilians from all walks of life speaking naturally about their lives and their country. All lessons integrate reading, writing, listening and comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, oral communication and cultural activities with the videos.
Reviews available here:
A compilation of video scenarios of people interacting with each other in …
A compilation of video scenarios of people interacting with each other in Portuguese. Conversations include dialogs, questions, turn taking exchanges, clarifications, false starts, hugs, laughter, asides. The scenarios are enhanced by transcriptions, translations, content analysis, and notes and discussion blogs.
Conversa Brasileira is an online open access site that contains a series …
Conversa Brasileira is an online open access site that contains a series of 35 video scenarios in which Brazilians talk about their daily activities, everything from hobbies to shopping, and from traffic jams to soccer games. These materials are designed to help intermediate- and advanced-level learners of Portuguese to analyze the way that Brazilians really talk and improve in their own proficiency and fluency. This textbook provides a hardcopy of all of the online materials, including the dialog transcriptions, English translations, and lesson notes that link to the original website.
1. Animals 1: Dog Lovers 1 2. Animals 2: Dog Lovers 2 3. Travel 1: Hanging Out At Breakfast 1 4. Travel 2: Hanging Out At Breakfast 2 5. Hobbies I : Anne’s Almost 4 Months Old 6. Hobbies 2: Collecting Brazilian Musical Instruments 7. Relationships 1: It’s The Same Thing All Over Again 8. Relationships 2: Eloísa’s The Black Sheep Of The Family 9. Food 1: Kill Me Now, Or Feed Me Something Brazilian 10. Food 2: Brazilian “Churrasco” With A Capital Bbq! 11. Working Out 1: I'm Just Not Feeling It 12. Working Out 2: I Love Going To The Gym 13. Wedding 1: A Coisa Tava Chique! 14. Wedding: Mixing It Up. When Brazilians Marry Americans 15. Grandparents 1: Hopscotch And Marbles Or Polly Pocket? 16. Grandparents 2: Well Grandma, There Isan Easier Way To Do It 17. Moms In The Park 1: Don’t Cry. You’reok! 18. Moms In The Park 2: They Are Getting Along Really Well 19. School 1: I Have My Very Own Locker! 20. School 2: What Are You Doing About The Whole Lunch Thing? 21. Shopping 1: They’ll Love This With A Passion! 22. Shopping 2: It Looks Like Spun Gold, Doesn’t It? 23. Shopping 3: Capricha Lá! 24. Directions 1: Tô Perdido – I’m Lost 25. Directions 2: Moço, Dá Licença – I’m Lost 26. Traffic 1: Don’t Be Blaming Me On This! 27. Traffic 2: I Hate This Traffic! 28. Gossip 1: Ói, Que Safado! 29. Gossip 2: Vai Ser Uma Dupla Interessante 30. Soccer 1: Você Foi Muito Fominha Hoje! 31. Soccer 2: Ninguém Tira O Título Da Gente 32. Jam Session 1: Acabou Batendo Aqui Na Cabeça 33. Jam Session 2:Tem Que Agradar Todomundo, Né? 34. Studio 1: Behind The Scenes, Ói, Que Safado! 35. Studio 2: Behind The Scenes – Eu Também Acho
Reviews of the book available here:
This course enhances cross-cultural understanding through the discussion of practical, ethical, and …
This course enhances cross-cultural understanding through the discussion of practical, ethical, and epistemological issues in conducting social science and applied research in foreign countries or unfamiliar communities. It includes a research practicum to help students develop interviewing, participant-observation, and other qualitative research skills, as well as critical discussion of case studies. The course is open to all interested students, but intended particularly for those planning to undertake exploratory research or applied work abroad. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments.
This course is an intermediate subject designed to help students gradually build …
This course is an intermediate subject designed to help students gradually build an in-depth understanding of France. The course focuses on French attitudes and values regarding education, work, family and institutions, and deals with the differing notions that underlie interpersonal interactions and communication styles, such as politeness, friendship and formality. Using a Web comparative, cross-cultural approach, students explore a variety of French and American materials, then analyze and compare them using questionnaires, opinion polls, news reports (in different media), as well as a variety of historical, anthropological and literary texts. Throughout the course, attention is given to the development of relevant linguistics skills. This course is recommended for students planning to study and work in France and is taught in French.
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies …
This textbook includes all 10 chapters of Deutsch im Blick. It accompanies, the web-based first-year German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2008, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar Deutsch im Blick is an open access site with free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees.
Deutsch im Blick has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251 & P116Y090057) as an example of the open access initiative.
Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 1 Ankunft In Würzburg Chapter 2 An Der Uni Chapter 3 Der Alltag Und Das Studentenleben Chapter 4 Freizeit Und Ausgehen Chapter 5 Familie, Feste Und Feiertage Chapter 6 Durch Deutschland Und Die Welt Reisen Chapter 7 Gesundheit Und Fitness Chapter 8 Das Traumleben: Beziehungen, Wohnen Und Die Karriere Chapter 9 Was Ist Deutsch? Chapter 10 Auf Nach Berlin!
Textbook and reviews also available here:
This course examines how medicine is practiced cross-culturally, with particular emphasis on …
This course examines how medicine is practiced cross-culturally, with particular emphasis on Western biomedicine. Students analyze medical practice as a cultural system, focusing on the human, as opposed to the biological, side of things. Also considered is how people in different cultures think of disease, health, body, and mind.
Examines traditional forms of East Asian culture (including literature, art, performance, food, …
Examines traditional forms of East Asian culture (including literature, art, performance, food, and religion) as well as contemporary forms of popular culture (film, pop music, karaoke, and manga). Covers China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, with an emphasis on China. Attention given to women's culture. The influence and presence of Asian cultural expressions in the US are also considered. Use made of resources in the Boston area, including the MFA, the Children's Museum, and the Sackler collection at Harvard. Taught in English.
An online, video-based methods course focusing on best practices for foreign language …
An online, video-based methods course focusing on best practices for foreign language instruction at the high-school and college levels. It features 12 interactive media-rich modules taught by different professors from the University of Texas at Austin. Modules include Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pragmatics, Culture, The Language Learner, Technology, Classroom Management, and Assessment.
This class continues our study of the foundational texts of human culture, …
This class continues our study of the foundational texts of human culture, focusing on early modernity until the recent past. In many ways, this includes several questions such as: Why did these works achieve the fame and influence they achieved? How do they present what it means to be a human being? How do they describe the role of a member of a family, community, tradition, social class, gender? How do they distinguish between proper and improper behavior? How do they characterize the members of other groups? However, in several ways, these texts are also iconoclastic, breaking with centuries of established tradition to shed light on previously unexplored subjects, such as the status of women in society or the legacy of the colonial expansion of European countries. They also question well-established social beliefs like religion, monarchical rule and human nature in general.
This course aims to introduce students to the rich diversity of human …
This course aims to introduce students to the rich diversity of human culture from antiquity to the early 17th century. In this course, we will explore human culture in its myriad expressions, focusing on the study of literary, religious and philosophical texts as ways of narrating, symbolizing, and commenting on all aspects of human social and material life. We will work comparatively, reading texts from various cultures: Mesopotamian, Greek, Judeo-Christian, Chinese, Indian, and Muslim. Throughout the semester, we will be asking questions like: How have different cultures imagined themselves? What are the rules that they draw up for human behavior? How do they represent the role of the individual in society? How do they imagine 'universal' concepts like love, family, duty? How have their writers and artists dealt with encounters with other cultures and other civilizations?
Français interactif is a unique, award-winning 1st-year French curriculum used by learners …
Français interactif is a unique, award-winning 1st-year French curriculum used by learners all over the world. Students explore French language and culture by following the lives of real students who have participated in the UT Summer Program in Lyon, France. The online curriculum includes over 320 videos, vocabulary and phonetics audio, online grammar reference with self-correcting exercises and audio dialogues, verb conjugation and practice tools, internet activities, and a textbook of classroom exercises. Franais interactif was awarded the 2009 CALICO Esperanto Access to Language Education Award and the National Endowment for the Humanities EDSITEment Best of Humanities on the Web award (2005)
Reviews available here:
Français interactif is a unique, award-winning 1st-year French curriculum used by learners …
Français interactif is a unique, award-winning 1st-year French curriculum used by learners all over the world. Students explore French language and culture by following the lives of real students who have participated in the UT Summer Program in Lyon, France. The online curriculum includes over 320 videos, vocabulary and phonetics audio, online grammar reference with self-correcting exercises and audio dialogues, verb conjugation and practice tools, internet activities, and a textbook of classroom exercises. Franais interactif was awarded the 2009 CALICO Esperanto Access to Language Education Award and the National Endowment for the Humanities EDSITEment Best of Humanities on the Web award (2005)
This course explores stereotypes associated with Asian women in colonial, nationalist, state-authoritarian, …
This course explores stereotypes associated with Asian women in colonial, nationalist, state-authoritarian, and global/diasporic narratives about gender and power. Students will read ethnography, cultural studies, and history, and view films to examine the politics and circumstances that create and perpetuate the representation of Asian women as dragon ladies, lotus blossoms, despotic tyrants, desexualized servants, and docile subordinates. Students are introduced to the debates about Orientalism, gender, and power.
Prepares students for working and living in German-speaking countries. Focus on current …
Prepares students for working and living in German-speaking countries. Focus on current political, social, and cultural issues, using newspapers, journals, TV, radio broadcasts, and Web sources from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Emphasis on speaking, writing, and reading skills for professional contexts. Activities include: oral presentations, group discussions, guest lectures, and interviews with German speakers. No listeners.
An introductory textbook of the modern standard Uyghur language with exercises and …
An introductory textbook of the modern standard Uyghur language with exercises and extensive grammatical analysis. With the accompanying audio, the textbook is designed for self-study or a one-year classroom course.
This course introduces diverse meanings and uses of the concept of culture …
This course introduces diverse meanings and uses of the concept of culture with historical and contemporary examples from scholarship and popular media around the globe. It includes first-hand observations, synthesized histories and ethnographies, and visual and narrated representations of human experiences. Students conduct empirical research on cultural differences through the systematic observation of human interaction, employ methods of interpretative analysis, and practice convincing others of the accuracy of their findings.
International Women's Voices has several objectives. It introduces students to a variety …
International Women's Voices has several objectives. It introduces students to a variety of works by contemporary women writers from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and North America. The emphasis is on non-western writers. The readings are chosen to encourage students to think about how each author's work reflects a distinct cultural heritage and to what extent, if any, we can identify a female voice that transcends national cultures. In lectures and readings distributed in class, students learn about the history and culture of each of the countries these authors represent. The way in which colonialism, religion, nation formation and language influence each writer is a major concern of this course. In addition, students examine the patterns of socialization of women in patriarchal cultures, and how, in the imaginary world, authors resolve or understand the relationship of the characters to love, work, identity, sex roles, marriage and politics.This class is a communication intensive course. In addition to becoming more thoughtful readers, students are expected to become a more able and more confident writers. Assignments are designed to allow for revision of each paper. The class will also offer opportunities for speaking and debating so that students can build oral presentation skills that are essential for success once they leave MIT. The class is limited to 25 students and there is substantial classroom discussion.
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