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The Adventure of Physics - Vol. VI: The Strand Model - A Speculation on Unification
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This book is written for anybody who is intensely curious about nature and motion. Have you ever asked: Why do people, animals, things, images and empty space move? The answer leads to many adventures, and this book presents one of the best of them: the search for a precise, unified and final description of all motion.

The wish to describe all motion is a large endeavour. Fortunately, this large endeavour can be structured in the simple diagram shown in Figure 1. The final and unified description of motion, the topic of this book, corresponds to the highest point in the diagram. Searching for this final and unified description is an old quest. In the following, I briefly summarize its history and then present an intriguing, though speculative solution to the riddle.

The search for the final, unified description of motion is a story of many surprises. For example, twentieth-century research has shown that there is a smallest distance in nature. Research has also shown that matter cannot be distinguished from empty space at those small distances. A last surprise dates from this century: particles and space are best described as made of strands, instead of little spheres or points. The present text explains how to reach these unexpected conclusions. In particular, quantum field theory, the standard model of particle physics, general relativity and cosmology are shown to follow from strands. The three gauge interactions, the three particle generations and the three dimensions of space turn out to be due to strands. In fact, all the open questions of twentieth-century physics about the foundations of motion, all the millennium issues, can be solved with the help of strands.

The strand model, as presented in this text, is an unexpected result from a threefold aim that I have pursued since 1990, in the five previous volumes of this series: to present the basics of motion in a way that is up to date, captivating and simple. In retrospect, the aim for maximum simplicity has been central in deducing this speculation. While the previous volumes introduced, in an entertaining way, the established parts of physics, this volume presents, in the same entertaining and playful way, a speculation about unification. Nothing in this volume is established knowledge – yet. The text is the original presentation of the topic.

The search for a final theory is one of the great adventures of life: it leads to the limits of thought. The search overthrows our thinking habits about nature. A change in thinking habits can produce fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we gain strength and serenity. Changing thinking habits thus requires courage, but it also produces intense and beautiful emotions. Enjoy them!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Vol. V: Motion Inside Matter - Pleasure, Technology, and Stars
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how bodies, images and empty space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the best adventures about the motion inside people, inside animals, and inside any other type of matter – from the largest stars to the smallest nuclei.

Motion inside bodies – dead or alive – is described by quantum theory. Quantum theory describes all motion with the quantum of action h, the smallest change observed in nature. Building on this basic idea, the text first shows how to describe life, death and pleasure. Then, the text explains the observations of chemistry, materials science, astrophysics and particle physics. In the structure of physics, these topics correspond to the three ‘quantum’ points in Figure 1. The story of motion inside living and non-living matter, from the coldest gases to the hottest stars, is told here in a way that is simple, up to date and captivating.

In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.

In order to be up to date, the text is enriched by the many gems – both theoretical and empirical – that are scattered throughout the scientific literature.

In order to be captivating, the text tries to startle the reader as much as possible. Read- ing a book on physics should be like going to a magic show. We watch, we are astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick. When we look at nature, we often have the same experience. Indeed, every page presents at least one sur- prise that makes the reader think. Also numerous interesting challenges are proposed.

The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement by Hartmut von Hentig on pedagogy, translates as: ‘To fortify people, to clarify things.’ Clar- ifying things – and adhering only to the truth – requires courage, as changing the habits of thought produces fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we grow in strength. And we experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and exploring motion is one of them. Enjoy it!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume I: Fall, Flow, and Heat
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how people, animals, things, images and space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the best of them in the domain of everyday life.

Table of Contents
1 Why should we care about motion?
2 From motion measurement to continuity
3 How to describe motion - kinematics
4 From objects and images to conservation
5 From the rotation of the Earth to the relativity of motion
6 Motion due to gravitation
7 Classical mechanics and the predictability of motion
8 Measuring change with action
9 Motion and symmetry
10 Simple motions of extended bodies – oscillations and waves
11 Do extended bodies exist? – Limits of continuity
12 Fluids and their motion
13 On heat and motion reversal invariance
14 Self-organization and chaos - the simplicity of complexity
15 From the limitations of physics to the limits of motion

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume III: Light, Charges, and Brains
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This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how people, animals, things, images and space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the adventures one encounters when exploring everything electric. The story ranges from the weighing of electric current to the use of magnetic fields to heal bone fractures and up to the understanding of the human brain.

In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.

Table of Contents
1 Liquid Electricity, Invisible Fields And Maximum Speed
2 The Description Of Electromagnetic Field Evolution
3 What Is Light
4 Images And The Eye – Optics
5 Electromagnetic Effects
6 Summary And Limits Of Classical Electrodynamics
7 The Story Of The Brain
8 Language And Concepts
9 Observations, Lies And Patterns Of Nature
10 Classical Physics In A Nutshell

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume II: Relativity
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how people, animals, things, images and empty space move leads to many adven- tures. This volume presents the best of them in the domains of relativity and cosmology. In the study of motion – physics – special and general relativity form two important building blocks.

Special relativity is the exploration of the energy speed limit c. General relativity is the exploration of the force limit c4/4G. The text shows that in both domains, all equations follow from these two limit values. This simple, intuitive and unusual way of learning relativity should reward the curiosity of every reader – whether student or professional.

The present volume is the second of a six-volume overview of physics that arose from a threefold aim that I have pursued since 1990: to present motion in a way that is simple, up to date and captivating.

Table of Contents
1 Maximum Speed, Observers At Rest And Motion Of Light
2 Relativistic Mechanics
3 Special Relativity In Four Sentences
4 Simple General Relativity: Gravitation, Maximum Speed And Maximum Force
5 How Maximum Speed Changes Space, Time And Gravity
6 Open Orbits, Bent Light And Wobbling Vacuum
7 From Curvature To Motion
8 Why Can We See The Stars? – Motion In The Universe
9 Black Holes – Falling Forever
10 Does Space Differ From Time?
11 General Relativity In A Nutshell – A Summary For The Layman

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume IV: The Quantum of Change
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This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Have you ever asked: Why do people, animals, things, images and space move? The answer leads to many adventures; this volume presents those due to the discovery that there is a smallest change value in nature. This smallest change value, the quantum of action, leads to what is called quantum physics. In the structure of modern physics, quantum physics covers three points; this volume covers the introduction to the point in the lower right: the foundations of quantum theory.

Table of Contents
1 Minimum Action – Quantum Theory For Poets
2 Light – The Strange Consequences Of The Quantum Of Action
3 Motion Of Matter – Beyond Classical Physics
4 The Quantum Description Of Matter And Its Motion
5 Permutation Of Particles – Are Particles Like Gloves?
6 Rotations And Statistics – Visualizing Spin
7 Superpositions And Probabilities – Quantum Theory Without Ideology
8 Colours And Other Interactions Between Light And Matter
9 Quantum Physics In A Nutshell

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume VI: The Strand Model - A Speculation on Unification
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is intensely curious about nature and motion. Have you ever asked: Why do people, animals, things, images and empty space move? The answer leads to many adventures, and this book presents one of the best of them: the search for a precise, unified and final description of all motion.

Table of Contents
1 From Millennium Physics To Unification
2 Physics In Limit Statements
3 General Relativity Versus Quantum Theory
4 Does Matter Differ From Vacuum?
5 What Is The Difference Between The Universe And Nothing?
6 The Shape Of Points – Extension In Nature
7 The Basis Of The Strand Model
8 Quantum Theory Of Matter Deduced From Strands
9 Gauge Interactions Deduced From Strands
10 General Relativity Deduced From Strands
11 The Particle Spectrum Deduced From Strands
12 Particle Properties Deduced From Strands
13 Experimental Predictions Of The Strand Model
14 The Top Of Motion Mountain

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Volume V: Motion Inside Matter - Pleasure, Technology, and Stars
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This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how bodies, images and empty space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the best adventures about the motion inside people, inside animals, and inside any other type of matter – from the largest stars to the smallest nuclei.

Table of Contents
1 Motion For Enjoying Life
2 Changing The World With Quantum Effects
3 Quantum Electrodynamics – The Origin Of Virtual Reality
4 Quantum Mechanics With Gravitation – First Steps
5 The Structure Of The Nucleus – The Densest Clouds
6 The Sun, The Stars And The Birth Of Matter
7 The Strong Interaction – Inside Nuclei And Nucleons
8 The Weak Nuclear Interaction And The Handedness Of Nature
9 The Standard Model Of Particle Physics – As Seen On Television
10 Dreams Of Unification
11 Bacteria, Flies And Knots
12 Quantum Physics In A Nutshell – Again

Physical Science
Material Type:
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming, Spring 2009
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" This course covers concepts and techniques for the design and implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications. Topics include combinators, generic operations, pattern matching, pattern-directed invocation, rule systems, backtracking, dependencies, indeterminacy, memoization, constraint propagation, and incremental refinement. Substantial weekly programming Assignments and Labs are an integral part of the subject. There will be extensive programming Assignments and Labs, using MIT/GNU Scheme. Students should have significant programming experience in Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, CAML or some other "functional" language."

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Sussman, Gerald
Date Added:
Advertising and Promotion (Business 306)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The purpose of this course is to lead students in an exploration of fundamental advertising principles and the role advertising plays in the promotional mix. You will learn where advertising fits in the Marketing Mix, also known as the four Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Although some consider all promotion synonymous with advertising, you will learn the unique characteristics that separate advertising from other forms of promotional communication. You will revisit some familiar marketing concepts within a new framework, approaching the subject from the advertiserŐs perspective.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
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Aerodynamics, Fall 2005
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This course extends fluid mechanic concepts from Unified Engineering to the aerodynamic performance of wings and bodies in sub/supersonic regimes. 16.100 generally has four components: subsonic potential flows, including source/vortex panel methods; viscous flows, including laminar and turbulent boundary layers; aerodynamics of airfoils and wings, including thin airfoil theory, lifting line theory, and panel method/interacting boundary layer methods; and supersonic and hypersonic airfoil theory. Course material varies each year depending upon the focus of the design problem.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Darmofal, David
Date Added:
Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance - 3rd edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance, 3rd edition is a college undergraduate-level introduction to aircraft aerodynamics and performance. This text is designed for a course in Aircraft Performance that is taught before the students have had any course in fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics, or aerodynamics. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these types of courses that is needed for teaching basic subsonic aircraft performance, and it is assumed that the students will learn the full story of aerodynamics in other, later courses. The text assumes that the students will have had a university level Physics sequence in which they will have been introduced to the most fundamental concepts of statics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, and basic conservation laws that are needed to understand the coverage that follows. It is also assumed that students will have completed first year university level calculus sequence plus a course in multi-variable calculus. Separate courses in engineering statics and dynamics are helpful but not necessary. Any student who takes a course using this text after completing courses in aerodynamics or fluid dynamics should find the chapters of this book covering those subjects an interesting review of the material.

The 236-page text was created specifically for use by undergraduate students in Aerospace Engineering and was based on Professor Marchman’s many years of experience teaching related subject matter as well as his numerous wind tunnel research projects related to aircraft aerodynamics and his personal experience as the owner and pilot of a general aviation airplane. It has been used at Virginia Tech and other universities.

Instructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are requested to register their interest at: https://bit.ly/aerodynamics_interest.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Aerodynamics
2. Propulsion
3. Additional Aerodynamics Tools
4. Performance in Straight and Level Flight
5. Altitude Change: Climb and Glide
6. Range and Endurance
7. Accelerated Performance: Takeoff and Landing
8. Accelerated Performance: Turns
9. The Role of Performance in Aircraft Design: Constraint Analysis

Applied Science
Material Type:
James F. Marchman III
Date Added:
Aerodynamics of Viscous Fluids, Fall 2003
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0.0 stars

Boundary layers as rational approximations to the solutions of exact equations of fluid motion. Physical parameters influencing laminar and turbulent aerodynamic flows and transition. Effects of compressibility, heat conduction, and frame rotation. Influence of boundary layers on outer potential flow and associated stall and drag mechanisms. Numerical solution techniques and exercises. The major focus of 16.13 is on boundary layers, and boundary layer theory subject to various flow assumptions, such as compressibility, turbulence, dimensionality, and heat transfer. Parameters influencing aerodynamic flows and transition and influence of boundary layers on outer potential flow are presented, along with associated stall and drag mechanisms. Numerical solution techniques and exercises are included.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Merchant, Ali A.
Date Added:
Aeronautics and Astronautics
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These courses, produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduce the fundamental concepts and approaches of aerospace engineering, highlighted through lectures on aeronautics, astronautics, and design. MIT˘ď‹ď_s Aerospace and Aeronautics curriculum is divided into three parts: Aerospace information engineering, Aerospace systems engineering, and Aerospace vehicles engineering. Visitors to this site will find undergraduate and graduate courses to fit all three of these areas, from Exploring Sea, Space, & Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design to Bio-Inspired Structures

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
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Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering, Spring 2006
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0.0 stars

Fundamentals of human performance, physiology, and life support impacting engineering design and aerospace systems. Topics include: effects of gravity on the muscle, skeletal, cardiovascular, and neurovestibular systems; human/pilot modeling and human/machine design; flight experiment design; and life support engineering for extravehicular activity (EVA). Case studies of current research are presented. Assignments include a design project, quantitative homework sets, and quizzes emphasizing engineering and systems aspects.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Newman, Dava J.
Date Added:
Aerospace Dynamics, Spring 2003
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0.0 stars

Classical dynamics beyond Unified Engineering. Application of vector kinematics to analyze the translation and rotation of rigid bodies. Formulation and solution of the equations of motion using both Newtonian and Lagrangian methods. Analytical and numerical solutions to rigid body dynamics problems. Applications to aircraft flight dynamics and spacecraft attitude dynamics.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
How, Jonathan P.
Date Added:
The Aerospace Industry, Spring 2004
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0.0 stars

This course meets weekly, to discuss a combination of aerospace history and current events, in order to understand how they are responsible for the state of the aerospace industry. With invited subject matter experts participating in nearly every session, students have an opportunity to hone their insight through truly informed discussion. The aim of the course is to prepare junior and senior level students for their first industry experiences. Deliverables include a journal and class participation.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Murman, Earll
Date Added:
Aerospace Structures
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Aerospace Structures by Eric Raymond Johnson is a 600+ page text and reference book for junior, senior, and graduate-level aerospace engineering students. The text begins with a discussion of the aerodynamic and inertia loads acting on aircraft in symmetric flight and presents a linear theory for the status and dynamic response of thin-walled straight bars with closed and open cross-sections. Isotropic and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials including temperature effects are modeled with Hooke’s law. Methods of analyses are by differential equations, Castigliano’s theorems, the direct stiffness method, the finite element method, and Lagrange’s equations. There are numerous examples for the response axial bars, beams, coplanar trusses, coplanar frames, and coplanar curved bars. Failure initiation by the von Mises yield criterion, buckling, wing divergence, fracture, and by Puck’s criterion for FRP composites are presented in the examples.

PDFs (book and chapter-level)
Problem sets: http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104169
LaTeX sourcefiles: Expected spring 2022
Print (Softcover. Does not include appendix): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949373444.

Professors, if you are reviewing this book for adoption in your course, please let us know here: http://bit.ly/interest-aerospace-structures. Instructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are especially encouraged to sign up.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Eric R. Johnson
Date Added:
Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of Feelings, Spring 2013
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0.0 stars

This course studies the relations of affect to cognition and behavior, feeling to thinking and acting, and values to beliefs and practices. These connections will be considered at the psychological level of organization and in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts.

Natural Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Chorover, Stephan
Date Added:
Affective Computing, Fall 2015
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0.0 stars

This course instructs students on how to develop technologies that help people measure and communicate emotion, that respectfully read and that intelligently respond to emotion, and have internal mechanisms inspired by the useful roles emotions play.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Rosalind W. Picard
Date Added: