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  • Computer Science
Ethical Hacking for Effective Defense (Modules, Labs, and Lectures)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The following set of materials is used in the Textbook Transformation Grants implementation of Ethical Hacking for Effective Defense:


Topics include:

TCP/IP Level Attacks
Port Scanning
Footprinting and Social Engineering
Programming for Security Professionals
Operating System Vulnerabilities
Embedded System Security
Hacking Web Servers
Hacking Wireless Networks
Protecting Networks with Security Devices

Labs available here: https://alg.manifoldapp.org/projects/ethical-hacking-and-networking-security-labs

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Hossain Shahriar
Date Added:
Evidence-based Software Engineering
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0.0 stars

This book discusses what is currently known about software engineering, based on an analysis of all the publicly available data. This aim is not as ambitious as it sounds, because there is not a great deal of data publicly available.

The intent is to provide material that is useful to professional developers working in industry; until recently researchers in software engineering have been more interested in vanity work, promoted by ego and bluster.

The material is organized in two parts, the first covering software engineering and the second the statistics likely to be needed for the analysis of software engineering data.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Knowledge Software
Derek M. Jones
Date Added:
Evolución del Computador desde el ABC de su Arquitectura hasta la Construcción de una PC Gamer
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0.0 stars

El libro es una obra completa que aborda distintos aspectos importantes de la informática, desde la arquitectura y organización de la computadora hasta la construcción de una PC gamer. En el primer capítulo se explica de manera detallada la arquitectura y organización de los ordenadores, mientras que en el segundo se analizan las diferentes generaciones de ordenadores y su evolución a lo largo del tiempo, llegando hasta la inteligencia artificial. El tercer capítulo está dedicado a la memoria de la computadora y su funcionamiento, mientras que en el cuarto se explican las herramientas necesarias para el mantenimiento y la reparación de la PC, desde la clonación de discos duros hasta la construcción de dispositivos multi boot. Por último, el quinto capítulo se enfoca en las PC gamer's y ofrece una guía completa para los entusiastas de los juegos, brindando un procedimiento paso a paso para construir su propio PC gamer. Este libro es valioso tanto para estudiantes de sistemas como para profesionales de la computación, ya que cubre temas fundamentales como la arquitectura y organización de computadoras, historia y evolución, el diseño de computadoras, la memoria, las herramientas de mantenimiento y reparación de computadoras, y cómo armar una computadora de mayor rendimiento para usuarios jugadores. En resumen, esta obra ofrece información útil y completa sobre la evolución de la computadora, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, y brinda herramientas y consejos prácticos para su uso y mantenimiento.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
A First Course in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book was written for an experimental freshman course at the University of Colorado. The course is now an elective that the majority of our electrical and computer engineering students take in the second semester of their freshman year, just before their first circuits course. Our department decided to offer this course for several reasons:

we wanted to pique student' interest in engineering by acquainting them with engineering teachers early in their university careers and by providing with exposure to the types of problems that electrical and computer engineers are asked to solve;
we wanted students entering the electrical and computer engineering programs to be prepared in complex analysis, phasors, and linear algebra, topics that are of fundamental importance in our discipline;
we wanted students to have an introduction to a software application tool, such as MATLAB, to complete their preparation for practical and efficient computing in their subsequent courses and in their professional careers;
we wanted students to make early contact with advanced topics like vector graphics, filtering, and binary coding so that they would gain a more rounded picture of modern electrical and computer engineering.
In order to introduce this course, we had to sacrifice a second semester of Pascal programming. We concluded that the sacrifice was worth making because we found that most of our students were prepared for high-level language computing after just one semester of programming.

We believe engineering educators elsewhere are reaching similar conclusions about their own students and curriculums. We hope this book helps create a much needed dialogue about curriculum revision and that it leads to the development of similar introductory courses that encourage students to enter and practice our craft.Students electing to take this course have completed one semester of calculus, computer programming, chemistry, and humanities.

Concurrently with this course, students take physics and a second semester of calculus, as well as a second semester in the humanities. By omitting the advanced topics marked by asterisks, we are able to cover Complex Numbers through Linear Algebra, plus two of the three remaining chapters. The book is organized so that the instructor can select any two of the three. If every chapter of this book is covered, including the advanced topics, then enough material exists for a two-semester course.

The first three chapters of this book provide a fairly complete coverage of complex numbers, the functions e^x and e^jand phasors. Our department philosophy is that these topics must be understood if a student is to succeed in electrical and computer engineering. These three chapters may also be used as a supplement to a circuits course. A measured pace of presentation, taking between sixteen and eighteen lectures, is sufficient to cover all but the advanced sections in Complex Numbers through Phasors.

The chapter on "linear algebra" is prerequisite for all subsequent chapters. We use eight to ten lectures to cover it. We devote twelve to sixteen lectures to cover topics from Vector Graphics through Binary Codes. (We assume a semester consisting of 42 lectures and three exams.) The chapter on vector graphics applies the linear algebra learned in the previous chapter to the problem of translating, scaling, and rotating images. "Filtering" introduces the student to basic ideas in averaging and filtering. The chapter on "Binary Codes" covers the rudiments of binary coding, including Huffman codes and Hamming codes.

If the users of this book find "Vector Graphics" through "Binary Codes" too confining, we encourage them to supplement the essential material in "Complex Numbers" through "Linear Algebra" with their own course notes on additional topics. Within electrical and computer engineering there are endless possibilities. Practically any set of topics that can be taught with conviction and enthusiasm will whet the student's appetite. We encourage you to write to us or to our editor, Tom Robbins, about your ideas for additional topics. We would like to think that our book and its subsequent editions will have an open architecture that enables us to accommodate a wide range of student and faculty interests.

Throughout this book we have used MATLAB programs to illustrate key ideas. MATLAB is an interactive, matrix-oriented language that is ideally suited to circuit analysis, linear systems, control theory, communications, linear algebra, and numerical analysis. MATLAB is rapidly becoming a standard software tool in universities and engineering companies. (For more information about MATLAB, return the attached card in the back of this book to The MathWorks, Inc.) MATLAB programs are designed to develop the student's ability to solve meaningful problems, compute, and plot in a high-level applications language. Our students get started in MATLAB by working through “An Introduction to MATLAB,” while seated at an IBM PC (or look-alike) or an Apple Macintosh. We also have them run through the demonstration programs in "Complex Numbers". Each week we give three classroom lectures and conduct a one-hour computer lab session. Students use this lab session to hone MATLAB skills, to write programs, or to conduct the numerical experiments that are given at the end of each chapter. We require that these experiments be carried out and then reported in a short lab report that contains (i) introduction, (ii) analytical computations, (iii) computer code, (iv) experimental results, and (v) conclusions. The quality of the numerical results and the computer graphics astonishes students. Solutions to the chapter problems are available from the publisher for instructors who adopt this text for classroom use.

We wish to acknowledge our late colleague Richard Roberts, who encouraged us to publish this book, and Michael Lightner and Ruth Ravenel, who taught "Linear Algebra" and "Vector Graphics" and offered helpful suggestions on the manuscript. We thank C. T. Mullis for allowing us to use his notes on binary codes to guide our writing of "Binary Codes". We thank Cédric Demeure and Peter Massey for their contributions to the writing of "An Introduction to MATLAB" and "The Edix Editor". We thank Tom Robbins, our editor at Addison-Wesley, for his encouragement, patience, and many suggestions. We are especially grateful to Julie Fredlund, who composed this text through many drafts and improved it in many ways. We thank her for preparing an excellent manuscript for production.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Louis Scharf
Date Added:
First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The book is based on “First semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia”, written by Giray Ökten. The contents of the original book are retained, while all the algorithms are implemented in Python (Version 3.8.0). Python is an open source (under OSI), interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has a large number of users around the world. Python is ranked the third in August 2020 by the TIOBE programming community index, a measure of popularity of programming languages, and is the top-ranked interpreted language. We hope this book will better serve readers who are interested in a first course in Numerical Analysis, but are more familiar with Python for the implementation of the algorithms.

The first chapter of the book has a self-contained tutorial for Python, including how to set up the computer environment. Anaconda, the open-source individual edition, is recommended for an easy installation of Python and effortless management of Python packages, and the Jupyter environment, a web-based interactive development environment for Python as well as many other programming languages, was used throughout the book and is recommended to the readers for easy code development, graph visualization and reproducibility.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Solutions of equations: Root-finding
3 Interpolation
4 Numerical Quadrature and Differentiation
5 Approximation Theory

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
About The Contributors
Date Added:
Form-Finding and Structural Optimization: Gaudi Workshop, Fall 2004
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0.0 stars

Inspired by the work of the architect Antoni Gaudi, this research workshop will explore three-dimensional problems in the static equilibrium of structural systems. Through an interdisciplinary collaboration between computer science and architecture, we will develop design tools for determining the form of three-dimensional structural systems under a variety of loads. The goal of the workshop is to develop real-time design and analysis tools which will be useful to architects and engineers in the form-finding of efficient three-dimensional structural systems.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Demaine, Erik
Ochsendorf, John Allen
Date Added:
Foundations of Computation
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0.0 stars

Foundations of Computation is a free textbook for a one-semester course in theoretical computer science. It has been used for several years in a course at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The course has no prerequisites other than introductory computer programming. The first half of the course covers material on logic, sets, and functions that would often be taught in a course in discrete mathematics. The second part covers material on automata, formal languages, and grammar that would ordinarily be encountered in an upper level course in theoretical computer science.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Carol Critchlow
David Eck
Date Added:
Foundations of Computation
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Foundations of Computation is a free textbook for a one-semester course in theoretical computer science. It has been used for several years in a course at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The course has no prerequisites other than introductory computer programming. The first half of the course covers material on logic, sets, and functions that would often be taught in a course in discrete mathematics. The second part covers material on automata, formal languages, and grammar that would ordinarily be encountered in an upper level course in theoretical computer science.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Carol Critchlow, David Eck
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Computer Organisation and Architecture
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

I wish to welcome you to this course, known as, Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture. This is a module where you will learn about the computer components, their functions and how they are interconnected. In the module, the functions and the design of the various computer functional units will be discussed. These concepts will help students to get some idea about Computer Organization and Architecture. The course will basically be dealing with the operational units of the computer and how they are interconnected using their architectural specifications.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
African Virtual University
Provider Set:
Ashenafi Kassahun
Date Added:
Fundamentos de sistemas operativos
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0.0 stars

Todos los usuarios de equipos de cómputo (esto es, prácticamente cualquier persona del mundo) tienen contacto con un sistema operativo, y ciertas expectativas acerca de su funcionamiento. ¿Cómo es que un sistema operativo puede gestionar y compartir los recursos de cómputo?

Hoy en día, a pesar de que menos de una decena es conocida por la población en general, hay cientos de sistemas operativos en uso y bajo un desarrollo activo. Cada uno de ellos persigue distintos fines, sea por la arquitectura o la capacidad de los equipos en que se ejecutará, características específicas que implementa, o persigue atraer un segmento distinto de la población. Todos ellos, sin embargo, realizan las mismas operaciones básicas, parten de los mismos fundamentos.

Este libro, diseñado para servir como bibliografía para un curso de Sistemas Operativos para licenciatura, presenta las principales áreas en que se divide el trabajo de un sistema operativo.

El libro está escrito nativamente en español, salvando las inconveniencias en que muchas veces incurren las traducciones técnicas. Los autores (uno mexicano, dos argentinos y uno colombiano) procuraron que el lenguaje y los términos empleados resulten lo más neutros y universales a la región latinoamericana.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Erwin Meza
Esteban Ruiz
Federico Bergero
Gunnar Wolf
Date Added:
GIS Analysis and Design
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0.0 stars

Geography 468 provides the geospatial information system professional an overview of systems analysis and design with emphasis on the concepts behind the process, including: business use case modeling, business object modeling, requirements definition, analysis and preliminary design, and, finally, detailed design. The concepts of the geospatial software and database development process are introduced and the current modeling techniques are addressed within the geospatial systems development paradigm. In a series of related activities, students learn about the methods, tools and the concepts of the systems development process to document a portion of a geospatial system with Unified Modeling Language (UML), the standard graphical notation for modeling application needs.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State University
Provider Set:
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (http:// e-education.psu.edu/oer/)
Todd Bacastow
Date Added:
GIS Application Development
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0.0 stars

In GEOG 489, you will learn advanced applications of Python for developing and customizing GIS software, designing user interfaces, solving complex geoprocessing tasks, and leveraging open source. The course consists of readings, walkthroughs, projects, quizzes, and discussions about advanced GIS programming concepts and techniques, and a final term project. It complements the material covered in GEOG 485: GIS Programming and Customization. Software covered in the course includes: Esri ArcGIS Pro/arcpy, Jupyter Notebook, Esri ArcGIS API for Python, QGIS, GDAL/OGR. Students will also use of the Git version control software for code management, and learn techniques for distributing Python applications to end users.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State University
Provider Set:
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (http:// e-education.psu.edu/oer/)
James O'Brien
Jan Oliver Wallgrun
Jim Detwiler
Date Added:
GIS Programming and Automation
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0.0 stars

Bill Gates is credited with saying he would \hire a lazy person to do a difficult job\" with the justification that \"a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.\" GEOG 485 doesn't teach the lazy way to get the job done, but it does teach the scripting way _ which is arguably even better. You've probably heard the \"give a fish\"/\"teach to fish\" saying? That's the gist of GEOG 485: to equip you, in an ArcGIS context, with the ModelBuilder and Python scripting skills to make your boring, repetitive geoprocessing tasks easier, quicker and automatic _ so you can focus on the more interesting (potentially more valuable) work that you (and your employers) really want you to be doing."

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State University
Provider Set:
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (http:// e-education.psu.edu/oer/)
James O'Brien
Jim Detwiler
Sterling Quinn
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Today GPS is critical to positioning, navigation, and timing. The smooth functioning of financial transactions, air traffic, ATMs, cell phones and modern life in general around the world depend on GPS. This very criticality requires continuous modernization. The oldest satellites in the current constellation were launched in the 1990s. If you imagine using a computer of that vintage today, it is not surprising that the system is being substantially updated. Global Positioning System (GPS) is now a part of a growing international con?text-the Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS. This course dives into how GPS and other GNSS systems are designed, how they operate, and the impacts they have on spatial analysis and spatially-enabled systems.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State University
Provider Set:
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (http:// e-education.psu.edu/oer/)
Jan Van Sickle
Date Added:
Game Design, Fall 2010
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0.0 stars

This course provides practical instruction in the design and analysis of non-digital games. Students cover the texts, tools, references and historical context to analyze and compare game designs across a variety of genres, including sports, game shows, games of chance, card games, schoolyard games, board games, and role–playing games. In teams, students design, develop, and thoroughly test their original games to understand the interaction and evolution of game rules. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Begy, Jason
Tan, Philip
Date Added:
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January IAP 2011
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0.0 stars

This course will provide a gentle, yet intense, introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language. The course is designed to help prepare students for 6.01 Introduction to EECS. 6.01 assumes some knowledge of Python upon entering; the course material for 6.189 has been specially designed to make sure that concepts important to 6.01 are covered. This course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Canelake, Sarina
Date Added:
Geographic Information Analysis
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0.0 stars

In this data rich world, we need to understand how things are organized on the Earth's surface. Those things are represented by spatial data and necessarily depend upon what surrounds them. Spatial statistics provide insights into explaining processes that create patterns in spatial data. In geographical information analysis, spatial statistics such as point pattern analysis, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial interpolation will analyze the spatial patterns, spatial processes, and spatial association that characterize spatial data. Understanding spatial analysis will help you realize what makes spatial data special and why spatial analysis reveals a truth about spatial data.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State University
Provider Set:
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (http:// e-education.psu.edu/oer/)
David O'Sullivan
Date Added:
Graphics and Information Management
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Welcome to the module: Graphic and Information Management. You are going to gain very exciting experiences while working with this module. As you know, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have over the years become indispensable management and communication tools. At the global level, the use of ICTs has become so central that the definition of literacy has become expanded beyond basic reading and writing skills to include ability to use ICTs in almost all activities.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
African Virtual University
Provider Set:
George L. Ekol
Date Added:
Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science, Spring 2008
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0.0 stars

This course provides a challenging introduction to some of the central ideas of theoretical computer science. It attempts to present a vision of "computer science beyond computers": that is, CS as a set of mathematical tools for understanding complex systems such as universes and minds. Beginning in antiquity--with Euclid's algorithm and other ancient examples of computational thinking--the course will progress rapidly through propositional logic, Turing machines and computability, finite automata, GĚŚdel's theorems, efficient algorithms and reducibility, NP-completeness, the P versus NP problem, decision trees and other concrete computational models, the power of randomness, cryptography and one-way functions, computational theories of learning, interactive proofs, and quantum computing and the physical limits of computation. Class participation is essential, as the class will include discussion and debate about the implications of many of these ideas.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Aaronson, Scott
Date Added:
Grid Cloud Computing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Cloud computing is a means which allows you access applications and other information that reside at a location other than your computer or server which typically may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. One advantage of cloud computing is that another company hosts the application(s) which implies that they are responsible for the cost of hardware and software and therefore you as the end user pays less for the services.

The learner should realize that grid computing is often confused with cloud computing. However, a grid computing network harnesses the unused processing cycles of all computers in the grid pool to solve problems that may be too intensive for any one stand alone computer.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
African Virtual University
Provider Set:
Jackson Kabira
Date Added: