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Math for Elementary Teachers

Math for Elementary Teachers: Topics include numeral systems, theory of arithmetic, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, decimal representations, real numbers, probability, and statistics with an emphasis on problem solving.

Geometry for Elementary Teachers: A study of basic Euclidean geometry, measurement and probability and statistics, chosen to give the elementary school teacher the mathematical background necessary for the present elementary school curriculum.

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Teaching Math for Emergent Bilinguals: Building on Culture, Language, and Identity
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This book is designed for pre-service/in-service teachers and others who will work or work with K–12 students who have linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, especially students of other languages (English language learners/Emergent bilingual/multilingual). The core concept of this course is helping teachers understand the needs of various Emergent Bilinguals (a.k.a. English language learners (ELLs)/English Learners (ELs), learn to use their language and culture as a resource in mathematics classrooms and implement research-based instructional strategies that are effective to teach mathematics for Emergent Bilinguals.

Table of Contents
1. Emergent Bilinguals in Math Class
2. Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for/with Emergent Bilinguals
3. EB-focused Strategies and Challenging Tasks
4. Power & Participation of Mathematical Discussion
5. Translanguaging & Word Problems
6. Connecting Learned Mathematics to Emergent Bilingual Families and Community

Elementary Education
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Ricardo Martinez
Ji-Yeong I
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