World History I - HIST 1500

The book is NOT required for this assignment.

1. READ the syllabus. 

Download: Syllabus_HIST_1500

2. Verify the email address that will be used by Canvas. You can do this under Settings. The Settings link is in the upper right-hand corner.  This is how most communication will be conducted. Your FTCC email is the preferable email contact. Students should check email daily and at most every other day.

3. Email me ( a contact phone number and an alternate email address. It is not uncommon for me to call students if the need arises.  

4. Update your profile (30 points).  Profile Assignment

5. Introduce yourself within the Introductory Forum. There is also a question to answer. Respond to a classmate as well. 


This course was originally built in Canvas.

Author Vanessa Jacobs Email address

Co-Author Nicole Shaw Email address

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