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Applied: Emphasis on applications involving: solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions.

College: In-depth treatment of solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions with applications; systems of equations.

Algebra and Trigonometry: A combined course on: function properties and graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions with applications; systems of equations; trigonometric functions and graphs; inverse trigonometric functions; fundamental identities and angle formulas; solving equations, triangles with applications; polar coordinate system.

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Technical Mathematics
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This developmental-level mathematics textbook is intended for career-technical students.

Table of Contents
Module 1: Order of Operations
Module 2: Negative Numbers
Module 3: Decimals
Module 4: Fractions
Module 5: Accuracy and Significant Figures
Module 6: Precision and GPE
Module 7: Formulas
Module 8: Perimeter and Circumference
Module 9: Percents Part 1
Module 10: Ratios, Rates, Proportions
Module 11: Scientific Notation
Module 12: Percents Part 2 and Error Analysis
Module 13: The US Measurement System
Module 14: The Metric System
Module 15: Converting Between Systems
Module 16: Other Conversions
Module 17: Angles
Module 18: Triangles
Module 19: Area of Polygons and Circles
Module 20: Composite Figures
Module 21: Converting Units of Area
Module 22: Surface Area of Common Solids
Module 23: Area of Regular Polygons
Module 24: Volume of Common Solids
Module 25: Converting Units of Volume
Module 26: Pyramids and Cones
Module 27: Percents Part 3
Module 28: Mean, Median, Mode
Module 29: Probability
Module 30: Standard Deviation

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Clackamas Community College
Morgan Chase
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