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Business and Professional Communication

Development and practice of oral communication skills necessary in business and professional settings. Includes experience in interviewing, individual presentations, group problem-solving and adapting to organizational cultures.

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Business Communication
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0.0 stars

A study of communication theory as applied to business and organizational environments. Emphasis on development of effective communication skills for professional situations including team building, interviewing, public speaking, and accommodating diverse perspectives. Assessment levels: EN 101/101A, RD 120. Three hours lecture each week.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Samuel Oduyela
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Business Communication: Written & Verbal Presentation Skills
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This course allows students to develop effective written and verbal communication strategies specifically for the workplace. From idea gathering to drafting to delivery, this course will prepare students to effectively write, present, and communicate in a variety of methods and styles, tailored to professional audiences.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Lumen Learning
Provider Set:
Candela Courseware
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Business Communication for Success
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0.0 stars

This book is suited for Business Writing, Business English or Business Research/Report Writing courses.Basics of Written Business Communication presents basic business communication concepts, vocabulary, models, and exercises in a clear, practical, and engaging way. The author provides a set of core chapters intended to provide a highly focused introduction to the field. Then, he provides an optional series of modules that provide instructors with complete flexibility to emphasize additional topics of their choice.

Business and Communication
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Literature and Composition
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Scott McLean
Date Added:
Business Communication for Success PEER REVIEW
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a review of Business Communication for Success: https://louis.oercommons.org/courses/basics-of-written-business-communication completed by David Stamps, Louisiana State University. 

Business and Communication
Material Type:
David Stamps
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Business English for Success
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0.0 stars

Business English for Success provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise, and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate learning.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence?
Chapter 2: Punctuation
Chapter 3: Working with Words: Which Word Is Right?
Chapter 4: Help for English Language Learners
Chapter 5: Writing Paragraphs: Separating Ideas and Shaping Content
Chapter 6: Refining Your Writing: How Do I Improve My Writing Technique?
Chapter 7: The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?
Chapter 8: Writing Essays: From Start to Finish
Chapter 9: Effective Business Writing
Chapter 10: Writing Preparation
Chapter 11: Writing
Chapter 12: Revising and Presenting Your Writing
Chapter 13: Business Writing in Action
Chapter 14: APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting

Business and Communication
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Scott McLean
Date Added:
Communication for Business Professionals
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0.0 stars

I. Chapter 1: Professional Business Communication
1. Introduction
2. What is Communication?
3. Communications Process: Encoding and Decoding
4. Eight Essential Components of Communication
5. Why Is It Important To Communicate Well?
6. Communication in Context
7. Your Responsibilities as a Communicator
8. Conclusion

II. Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message
9. Introduction
10. What is Language?
11. Messages
12. Principles of Verbal Communication
13. Language Can be an Obstacle to Communication
14. Improving Verbal Communication
15. Conclusion

III. Chapter 3: You and Your Audience
16. Introduction
17. Perception
18. Self-Understanding Is Fundamental to Communication
19. Getting to Know Your Audience
20. Listening and Reading for Understanding
21. Conclusion

IV. Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication
22. Introduction
23. Principles of Nonverbal Communication
24. Types of Nonverbal Communication
25. Movement in Your Speech
26. Nonverbal Strategies
27. Conclusion

V. Chapter 5: Presentation Organization
28. Introduction
29. Rhetorical Situation
30. Strategies for Success
31. The 9 Cognate Strategies
32. Purpose and Central Idea Statements
33. Research
34. Organizational Models for Presentations
35. Outlining Your Presentation
36. Transitions
37. Conclusion

VI. Chapter 6: Developing Presentations
38. Introduction
39. Methods of Presentation Delivery
40. Preparing For Your Delivery
41. Practising Your Delivery
42. What to Do When Delivering Your Speech
43. Conclusion

VII. Chapter 7: Presentations to Inform
44. Introduction
45. Functions of the Presentation to Inform
46. Types of Presentations to Inform
47. Adapting Your Presentation to Teach
48. Preparing Your Speech to Inform
49. Creating an Informative Presentation
50. Conclusion

VIII. Chapter 8: Presentations to Persuade
51. Introduction
52. Principles of Persuasion
53. Presentations that Persuade
54. Making An Argument
55. Speaking Ethically and Avoiding Fallacies
56. Conclusion

IX. Chapter 9: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication
57. Introduction
58. What is Intrapersonal Communication?
59. Self-Concept
60. Interpersonal Needs
61. Rituals of Conversation
62. Employment Interviewing
63. Conflict in the Work Environment
64. Conclusion

X. Chapter 10: Intercultural and International Communication
65. Introduction
66. Intercultural Communication
67. Common Cultural Characteristics
68. Divergent Cultural Characteristics
69. International Communication and the Global Marketplace
70. Styles of Management
71. Conclusion

XI. Chapter 11: Group Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership
72. Introduction
73. What is a Group?
74. Group Life Cycles and Member Roles
75. Group Problem Solving
76. Teamwork and Leadership
77. Conclusion

XII. Chapter 12: Digital Media and Communications
78. Introduction
79. Digital and Social Media
80. Online Engagement
81. Your Digital Footprint
82. Conclusion

Business and Communication
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Crisis Communication
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Crisis communication is one of the many specialized areas or functions of public relations. This course will specifically focus on the use of crisis communication to protect and defend a company or organization facing a problem or challenge that threatens to harm its brand or reputation. As a sudden and unexpected serious event, a crisis can fall into four categories: acts of God, mechanical problems, human error, and management decision or indecision. You may recall examples of crisis in news media coverage of killer earthquakes and tsunamis, grounded airplanes, stranded cruise ship passengers, and senior government officials or CEOs who are fired or asked to resign following adulterous affairs. If you want to learn to become a professional public relations specialist, it is important to have a basic understanding of the important role public relations has in helping guide a company or organization through a crisis or serious event.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Academy Professional Development
Date Added:
Howdy or Hello?: Technical and Business Communications
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0.0 stars

Technical writing courses introduce you to some of the most important aspects of writing in the worlds of science, technology, and business—in other words, the kind of writing that scientists, nurses, doctors, computer specialists, government officials, engineers, and other professionals do as a part of their regular work. The skills learned in technical writing courses can be useful in other fields as well, including education and social sciences.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Rhetorical Situation
Chapter 3: Ethics
Chapter 4: Persuasion
Chapter 5: Writing Skills
Chapter 6: Organization
Chapter 7: Design
Chapter 8: Graphics
Chapter 9: The Writing Process
Chapter 10: Revising and Editing
Chapter 11: Research
Chapter 12: Avoiding Plagiarism and Citing Sources Properly
Chapter 13: Collaborative
Chapter 14: Oral Communication
Chapter 15: Correspondence
Chapter 16: Applications
Chapter 17: Instructions
Chapter 18: Proposals
Chapter 19: Informational Reports
Chapter 20: Recommendation Reports

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kalani Pattison
Sarah LeMire
Matt McKinney
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Human Relations
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0.0 stars

Human Relations by Laura Portolese-Dias addresses all of the critical topics to obtain career success as they relate to professional relationships.

Knowing how to get along with others, resolve workplace conflict, manage relationships, communicate well, and make good decisions are all critical skills all students need to succeed in career and in life.

Human Relations is not an organizational behavior; rather, it provides a good baseline of issues students will deal with in their careers on a day-to-day basis. It is also not a professional communications, business English, or professionalism textbook, as its focus is much broader — on general career success and how to effectively maneuver in the workplace. From communication challenges to focusing on one’s own emotional intelligence, the examples throughout Human Relations will help students understand the importance of the human side in their career. This book’s easy-to-understand language and tone is written to convey practical information in an engaging way. Every chapter opens with a realistic example which introduces a concept to be explained in detail later. Each chapter contains relevant examples, YouTube videos, figures, learning objectives, key takeaways, exercises, and a chapter-ending case that offer different ways to promote learning. Many of the end-of-section exercises offer self-assessment quizzes, so students may engage in self-understanding and development.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What Is Human Relations?
Chapter 2: Achieve Personal Success
Chapter 3: Manage Your Stress
Chapter 4: Communicate Effectively
Chapter 5: Be Ethical at Work
Chapter 6: Understand Your Motivations
Chapter 7: Work Effectively in Groups
Chapter 8: Make Good Decisions
Chapter 9: Handle Conflict and Negotiation
Chapter 10: Manage Diversity at Work
Chapter 11: Work with Labor Unions
Chapter 12: Be a Leader
Chapter 13: Manage Your Career

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Laura Portolese-Dias
Date Added:
Information Strategies for Communicators
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0.0 stars

The definitive text for the information search and evaluation process as practiced by news and strategic communication message producers. Currently used at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JOUR 3004W/V, Information for Mass Communication.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Interviewing Skills
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course is intended to help you showcase your personality, strengths, interests, and abilities to potential employers through the interview process.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Academy Professional Development
Date Added:
Introduction to Professional Communications
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0.0 stars

No matter your field, having professional communication skills is essential to success in today's workplace. This book covers key business communications topics that will help you in your career, including intercultural communication, team work, professional writing, audience analysis and adapting messages, document formatting, oral communication, and more.

Part 1: Communication foundations
1.1 Learning to write
1.2 Elements in communication
1.3 Critical thinking

Part 2: The research process
2.1 Research questions
2.2 Categorizing sources
2.3 Evaluating sources
2.4 Citing sources
2.5 Making an argument
2.6 Annotated bibliography

Part 3: Planning messages
3.1 Pre-writing
3.2 Communication models
3.3 Audience analysis
3.4 Purpose
3.5 Channels
3.6 Audience types
3.7 Audience demographics
3.8 Audience geographics
3.9 Audience psychographics
3.10 Adapting messages

Part 4: Writing
4.1 Style and tone
4.2 Plain language
4.3 Inclusive language
4.4 Concision
4.5 You attitude (you view)

Part 5: Message types
5.1 Memos
5.2 Letters
5.3 Emails
5.4 Proposals
5.5 Reports
5.6 Persuasive appeals
5.7 Persuasive messages
5.8 Starting your job search
5.9 Resumes
5.10 Cover letters
5.11 Bad news messages

Part 6: Visual communication
6.1 Graphics
6.2 Drawings, diagrams, and photos
6.3 Tables, charts, and graphs
6.4 Headings
6.5 Lists
6.6 Emphasis

Part 7: Polishing your message
7.1 Revising, editing, and proofreading
7.2 Reverse outlining

Part 8: Interpersonal communications
8.1 Intercultural communication
8.2 Team work
8.3 Listening skills
8.4 Giving and receiving feedback
8.5 Workplace conflict management
8.6 Oral presentations

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Melissa Ashman
Date Added:
Introduction to Professional Communications - PEER REVIEW
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a review of Introduction to Professional Communications: https://louis.oercommons.org/courses/introduction-to-professional-communications/ completed by David Stamps, Louisiana State University.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
David Stamps
Date Added:
Leading with Cultural Intelligence
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0.0 stars

Organizations in the 21st century are in need of culturally intelligent managers and leaders. The pressure to build authentic global networks and to cultivate an appreciation and respect for cultural differences and similarities has driven cultural intelligence to the forefront of diversity and inclusion work.

Preparing today's students to be effective leaders in their professional lives requires that they hone their cultural intelligence as it is vital to working inter- and intra-culturally in today’s global economy. This unique ability to identify, recognize, and acknowledge the differences and similarities that exist between and among cultural groups and systems will set their leadership skills apart from the masses. And when applied, cultural intelligence can bridge the gap in cultural misunderstanding by creating awareness, knowledge, and patience of cultural norms and behaviors.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Culturally Intelligent Leadership Matters
Chapter 2: Understanding Culture
Chapter 3: Cultural Intelligence Defined
Chapter 4: Thinking About Thinking
Chapter 5: I Think I Can and I Will
Chapter 6: Adapting and Performing
Chapter 7: Cultural Intelligence in Action
Chapter 8: The Future of Cultural Intelligence

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Mai Moua
Date Added:
Management Communication
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0.0 stars

Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions. Business communication is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Andy Spackman
Crickett Willardsen
Julie Haupt
Karmel Newell
Kurt Sandholtz
Lisa Thomas
Liz Dixon
Mariana Richardson
Melissa Wallentine
Sue Bergin
Date Added:
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is the first edition of a modular open textbook designed for entrepreneurial journalism, media innovation, and related courses. This book has been undergoing student and faculty testing and open review in fall 2017. Feedback has been implemented in Version 1.0 and will continue to be implemented in Version 2.0 (ETA spring 2018). An accompanying handbook will include additional activities, ancillary materials and faculty resources on media innovation for instructors.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Edited by Michelle Ferrier and Elizabeth Mays
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Negotiations and Conflict Management (Business 403)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course will start with the conceptual framework of negotiations as it applies to all areas of negotiation in both the public and private sectors. As the course progresses, you will focus on business negotiation skills and strategies designed to help you maintain healthy business relationships. Specifically, you will learn about the concepts, processes, strategies, and ethical issues related to negotiation as well as appropriate conduct in multicultural business contexts. You will also learn to better understand the theory, processes, and practices of negotiation, conflict resolution, and relationship management so that you can be a more effective negotiator in a wide variety of situations. If you take advantage of the opportunities this course offers, you will be more comfortable and more productive managing negotiations as well as professional and personal relationships.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added:
Organizational Communication
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0.0 stars

This is a curated collection of resources for Communication Studies 245 "Introduction to Organization Communication". Please see each page for additional attributions.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Communication & Organizational Communication
Chapter 2: Groups In Organizations
Chapter 3: Organizational Cultures & Management Philosophies
Chapter 4: Ethical Communication in Organizations
Chapter 5: Communication Flow: Networks & Channels
Chapter 6: Intercultural Communication in Organizations
Chapter 7: Individuals in Organizations
Chapter 8: Professional Presentations in Organizations
Chapter 9: Interviewing in Organizations
Chapter 10 Training Sessions

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Whatcom Community College
Date Added:
The Power of Selling
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0.0 stars

The Power of Selling is the perfect textbook to teach students about the proven process of selling. More important, it teaches students how to apply the tenets of selling to how to sell themselves and get the job they want, with the same process professional sales people learn (or brush up) on their own selling skills.What makes someone successful in sales? Are great sales people born or made? Is there one magic selling process, or does the process change based on the business…or the customer? How can the selling process really come alive for students in the classroom? How do students learn how to sell for life, not just for a course? The Power of Selling by Kim Richmond answers these questions and makes the principles of selling come alive.Kim looks at the topic of selling through a different lens, and provides inspiration and ideas. The Power of Selling provides an exciting and interactive experience for both professors and students through the use of 4 unique elements:1. ContentThe content is based on the core selling tenets so instructors will find the familiar principles of selling. In addition, the impact of Sales 2.0 is addressed at every stage including how to use interactive tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, and wikis effectively.2. Selling UThe last section of each chapter is called Selling U. It applies the concepts covered in the chapter to a student’s job search. Selling U topics include how to think about yourself as a brand, how to create a powerful cover letter and resume, how to create your personal elevator pitch, how to use networking and informational interviews to get the word out about your brand, how to prepare and dress for an interview, and how to negotiate and accept the right job offer. What makes The Power of Selling different is that Selling U is integrated into every chapter, which makes this text the ultimate guide to selling yourself.3. Video ResourcesVideos are used throughout the book. Additional videos that are not included in the text are available for instructor use. Here are videos that are available:• Video Ride-alongs – One of the best ways to learn about sales is by going on ride-alongs. So every chapter starts with an exclusive feature called a Video Ride-along. These short videos feature seven different sales professionals – one that starts each chapter. Each one talks about how he or she applies one of the key concepts covered in the chapter in their job. These videos are designed to be “virtual ride-alongs” so the students can actually feel as though they are getting insights first hand from selling professionals.• The Power of Selling YouTube Channel here (youtube.com/thepowerofselling) - Over 50 videos are included featuring the sales professionals who are highlighted in the Video Ride-alongs. About half of the videos are used in the textbook. The balance are available for instructor use. Several are included in Video Learning Segments (see below). These videos are excellent resources for use in the classroom, exercises, and assignments.• Video Learning SegmentsIn addition to the traditional supplements of Instructor Manual, PowerPoints, and Test Bank, there are also Video Learning Segments. These are PowerPoint slides embedded with videos designed to supplement the course PowerPoints and focus on one concept, like an ethical dilemma, pre-call preparation, or effective presentations, how to use email effectively. Each segment includes slides, videos, discussion questions, or exercises.4. The Power of Selling LinkedIn Group. hereThis group was created on LinkedIn.com expressly as a resource for the faculty and students who use this textbook. The group includes sales professionals from across the country and from different industries. This is a great tool for faculty and students alike to network, participate in discussions, ask questions, and connect with “real world” selling professionals.Kim Richmond’s The Power of Selling is a fresh, interactive, and applied textbook intended for all introductory and sales, selling and salesmanship courses. If you’re ready to prepare your “students of selling” for all that lies ahead in their professional career—you’re ready for this book. Check it out.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Kimberly Richmond
Date Added:
Principles Of Human Communication
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An introduction to the human communication concentration in the communications major. This course will introduce you to communication principles, common communication practices, and a selection of theories to better understand the communication transactions that you experience in your daily life.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added: